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How do you get the length of a list in the JSF expression language?

...;h:outputText value="Table Size = #{fn:length(SystemBean.list)}"/> On screen it displays the Table size Example: Table Size = 5 share | improve this answer | follow ...

multiple prints on the same line in Python

...e.sleep(2) print('world') "hello " will first print out and flush to the screen before the sleep. After that you can use standard print. share | improve this answer | fol...

gdb fails with “Unable to find Mach task port for process-id” error

...tinue” until you get to the “Specify a Location For The Certificate” screen, then set “Keychain to System”. If you can't store the certificate in the “System” keychain, create it in the “login” keychain, then export it. You can then import it into the “System” keychain. In keyc...

How to simulate a touch event in Android?

...a real touch. downTime would be the time when the user touches down on the screen, while eventTime in this case would be when the user lifts their finger up (ACTION_UP). I am not sure if it will still work if both are the same. You could test it and post your results. – azdev ...

Difference between “include” and “require” in php

...er // Example 1. // users see a standard php error message or a blank screen // depending on your display_errors setting require 'not_there'; // Example 2. // users see a meaningful error message try { include 'not_there'; } catch(Exception $e) { echo "something strang...

How to comment and uncomment blocks of code in the Office VBA Editor

...it doesn't work if you choose any other display option, but at least on my screen I prefer to save a little space with "Text Only." – Air Jun 6 '16 at 18:30 ...

Why doesn't Internet Explorer 11 honour conditional comments even when emulating Internet Explorer 8

...11 I guess are the only browsers that support -ms-high-contract): @media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: active), (-ms-high-contrast: none) { /* IE10+ specific styles go here */ } share | impr...

How do I run Visual Studio as an administrator by default?

... Worked great. Thank's for the screen shots. – RayLoveless Feb 12 '19 at 18:43 1 ...

Eliminate extra separators below UITableView

...nce, I looked at tables where there were more rows than could be viewed on screen, and then for a table with two rows. In both cases, no extraneous separators. Perhaps your custom views were not actually added. To check that, set the background color to something other than clearColor, e.g., [UICol...

How to force an entire layout View refresh?

...u do it before any View is drawn, i.e., before setContentView(R.layout.mainscreen); public void setTheme (int resid) Since: API Level 1 Set the base theme for this context. Note that this should be called before any views are instantiated in the Context (for example before calling setCont...