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Cookies vs. sessions

...PHP a couple of months ago. For the sake of creating a login system for my website, I read about cookies and sessions and their differences (cookies are stored in the user's browser and sessions on the server). At that time, I preferred cookies (and who does not like cookies?!) and just said: "who c...

Amazon S3 direct file upload from client browser - private key disclosure

...w.) Locking down CORS is not going to help: People can easily write a non-web-based tool (or a web-based proxy) that adds the correct CORS header to abuse your system. The big problem is that you can't differentiate between the different users. You can't allow one user to list/access his files, bu...

Spring Boot: How can I set the logging level with application.properties?

...g Levels section of the reference guide. logging.level.org.springframework.web: DEBUG logging.level.org.hibernate: ERROR For earlier versions of Spring Boot you cannot. You simply have to use the normal configuration for your logging framework (log4j, logback) for that. Add the appropriate config f...

nginx - nginx: [emerg] bind() to [::]:80 failed (98: Address already in use)

... The reason is because you cannot have two web servers listening to the same port. Choose one, and if required, proxy. E.g. use nginx, but for certain requests (such as for php files), proxy to Apache port. – d4nyll Jan 22 '15 at...

Why is Hibernate Open Session in View considered a bad practice?

...he number of statements being generated requires going through all layers (web, service, DAO), while having the application deployed on a web container. Even when using an in-memory database (e.g. HSQLDB) and a lightweight web server (e.g. Jetty), these integration tests are going to be slower to ex...

log4net not working

Hey I have this configuration in my web.config 13 Answers 13 ...

Default background color of SVG root element

...ckoverflow.com/a/11293812/6747994 https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Tutorial/Fills_and_Strokes share | improve this answer | follow | ...

Web colors in an Android color xml resource file

... aren't those colors (they appear to be defined per Android styles and not web standard colors) available to drawables? Or are they and I'm just missing it? – Phil Aug 23 '17 at 1:29 ...

Class.forName() vs ClassLoader.loadClass() - which to use for dynamic loading? [duplicate]

...registered, and you won't be able to use JDBC!) Suppose you are coding a web application that will be executed on a container such as Tomcat. What Tomcat does is create a class loader for each web application (so that it can unload the webapps later and release memory -- you need a dedicated class...

The project type is not supported by this installation

... For other ASP.NET MVC versions download them from www.asp.net/mvc or via Web Platform Installer 4.0. share | improve this answer | follow | ...