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Evenly distributing n points on a sphere
...orithm that can give me positions around a sphere for N points (less than 20, probably) that vaguely spreads them out. There's no need for "perfection", but I just need it so none of them are bunched together.
How do I override nested NPM dependency versions?
"dependencies": {
"grunt-contrib-connect": {
"version": "0.3.0",
"from": "grunt-contrib-connect@0.3.0",
"dependencies": {
"connect": {
"version": "2.8.1",
"from": "connect@~2.7.3"
npm should automatically pick i...
What's the algorithm to calculate aspect ratio?
I gather you're looking for an usable aspect ratio integer:integer solution like 16:9 rather th...
What does multicore assembly language look like?
10 Answers
jquery if div id has children
if ( $('#myfav').children().length > 0 ) {
// do something
This should work. The children() function returns a JQuery object that contains the children. So you just need to check the size and see if it has at least one child.
Slow Requests on Local Flask Server
...at support ipv6 and have it configured such as modern Linux systems, OS X 10.4 or higher as well as Windows Vista some browsers can be painfully slow if accessing your local server. The reason for this is that sometimes “localhost” is configured to be available on both ipv4 and ipv6 socktes and ...
How to properly assert that an exception gets raised in pytest?
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e_info:
x = 1 / 0
def test_passes_without_info():
with pytest.raises(Exception):
x = 1 / 0
def test_fails():
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e_info:
x = 1 / 1
def test_fails_without_info():
with pytest.raises(...
Better way to sum a property value in an array
...ay {
sum(key) {
return this.reduce((a, b) => a + (b[key] || 0), 0);
const traveler = new TravellerCollection(...[
{ description: 'Senior', Amount: 50},
{ description: 'Senior', Amount: 50},
{ description: 'Adult', Amount: 75},
{ description: 'Child', Amount...
编译器内部的秘密--微软的编译器是如何解析Try/Catch/Throw的 - C/C++ - 清...
...活。这行语句会变成对函数_CxxThrowException (函数来自MSVCR100.dll或其他类似版本的dll)的调用。 这个函数有编译器内部构建。你喜欢的话,你可以自己调用它。这个函数的第一个参数是指向抛出的异常对象的指针。 所以,上面的代...