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Generating UML from C++ code? [closed]

...p Guide to Reverse Engineering Code into UML Diagrams with Microsoft Visio 2000 - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa140255(office.10).aspx BoUML - http://bouml.fr/features.html StarUML - http://staruml.sourceforge.net/en/ Reverse engineering of the UML class diagram from C++ code in prese...

GridLayout and Row/Column Span Woe

...ntal" android:rowCount="8" > <Button android:layout_columnSpan="2" android:layout_gravity="fill" android:layout_rowSpan="2" android:text="1" /> <Button android:layout_columnSpan="2" android:layout_gravity="fill_horizontal" android:text="2" /> <Button ...

HTML5 Number Input - Always show 2 decimal places

...s there's any way to format an input[type='number'] value to always show 2 decimal places? 15 Answers ...

How to convert a string of numbers to an array of numbers?

... My 2 cents for golfers: b="1,2,3,4".split`,`.map(x=>+x) backquote is string litteral so we can omit the parenthesis (because of the nature of split function) but it is equivalent to split(','). The string is now an array, ...

How to convert a string of bytes into an int?

... 12 Answers 12 Active ...

What does a b prefix before a python string mean?

... 2 Answers 2 Active ...

Why does setTimeout() “break” for large millisecond delay values?

... This is due to setTimeout using a 32 bit int to store the delay so the max value allowed would be 2147483647 if you try 2147483648 you get your problem occurring. I can only presume this is causing some form of internal exception in the JS Engine and ...

What are bitwise shift (bit-shift) operators and how do they work?

... 1728 The bit shifting operators do exactly what their name implies. They shift bits. Here's a brie...

Iterating Over Dictionary Key Values Corresponding to List in Python

Working in Python 2.7. I have a dictionary with team names as the keys and the amount of runs scored and allowed for each team as the value list: ...

Cluster analysis in R: determine the optimal number of clusters

... 1024 If your question is how can I determine how many clusters are appropriate for a kmeans analysis...