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Cookies vs. sessions

...ad of sessions? I have just that reason (that I do not need to store internally information about the user). Is that enough as a reason ? or it's more than that? Could you please tell me about advantages/disadvantages of using cookies for keeping User's ID? ...

How do I add 24 hours to a unix timestamp in php?

... You probably want to add one day rather than 24 hours. Not all days have 24 hours due to (among other circumstances) daylight saving time: strtotime('+1 day', $timestamp); share | ...

best practice to generate random token for forgot password

...d reminder token, and, if it is a one-time login credentials, then you actually have a data to protect (which is - whole user account) So, the code will be as follows: //$length = 78 etc $token = bin2hex(random_bytes($length)); Update: previous versions of this answer was referring to uniqid()...

Highlight the difference between two strings in PHP

What is the easiest way to highlight the difference between two strings in PHP? 13 Answers ...

Difference between break and continue in PHP?

What is the difference between break and continue in PHP? 10 Answers 10 ...

Which version of CodeIgniter am I currently using?

...deIgniter version number. It's defined in: /system/codeigniter/CodeIgniter.php As of CodeIgniter 2, it's defined in /system/core/CodeIgniter.php For example, echo CI_VERSION; // echoes something like 1.7.1 share ...

tcp加速技术解决方案 - 操作系统(内核) - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

... 内核态到用户态的数据拷贝 中断处理 还有诸如不容易调试, 代码比较复杂等等都会增加开发和维护难度。 使用DPDK DPDK是intel推出的快速的数据包处理框架 通过内核uio机制,使数据包直接dma发送到用户态内存中 因为不...

?: operator (the 'Elvis operator') in PHP

I saw this today in some PHP code: 5 Answers 5 ...

Which one is the best PDF-API for PHP? [closed]

Which one of these is the best PDF-API for PHP? 9 Answers 9 ...

Convert timestamp to readable date/time PHP

... Use PHP's date() function. Example: echo date('m/d/Y', 1299446702); share | improve this answer | fo...