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msvcr110d.dll!_CrtIsValidHeapPointer(const void * pUserData) 行 2036 ...

...出现问题了。 可能原因2:delete释放了常字符串。如 char *p = "abc"; delete p; 可能原因3: CString m_strTest; ... GetPrivateProfileString(INI_SECTION, "test", "", m_strTest.GetBuffer(), MAX_PATH, INI_FILE); 以上代码对话框资源释放的时候会崩溃,...

vc/mfc *通配符 批量删除文件 - c++1y / stl - 清泛IT社区,为创新赋能!

...de "stdafx.h" #include <windows.h> int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) {         LPTSTR delFileName = L"c:/test/test*.txt";         SHFILEOPSTRUCT FileOp;         ZeroMemory((void*...

What is the meaning of “… …” token? i.e. double ellipsis operator on parameter pack

...ame T > T const &printf_helper( T const &x ) { return x; } char const *printf_helper( std::string const &x ) { return x.c_str(); } template< typename ... Req, typename ... Given > int wrap_printf( int (*fn)( Req... ... ), Given ... args ) { return fn( printf_helper...

How to add a line break in an Android TextView?

... i just wanted to add that this quote-stuff also works fine with special characters in string resources or with languages like greek or russian... (if you encounter any problems) – datayeah Jun 19 '12 at 10:09 ...

Regular expression to extract text between square brackets

...the following regex globally: \[(.*?)\] Explanation: \[ : [ is a meta char and needs to be escaped if you want to match it literally. (.*?) : match everything in a non-greedy way and capture it. \] : ] is a meta char and needs to be escaped if you want to match it literally. ...

Fastest way to flatten / un-flatten nested JSON objects

...erty = "", index = 0; while (index < length) { var char = path.charAt(index); if (char === "[") { var start = index + 1, end = path.indexOf("]", start), cursor = cursor[property] = cursor[property] || [], ...

What is the memory consumption of an object in Java?

... storage overhead. String: a String's memory growth tracks its internal char array's growth. However, the String class adds another 24 bytes of overhead. For a nonempty String of size 10 characters or less, the added overhead cost relative to useful payload (2 bytes for each char plus 4 byte...

How to request Administrator access inside a batch file

...mc :: v1.4 - 17/05/2016 - Added instructions for arguments with ! char :: v1.3 - 01/08/2015 - Fixed not returning to original folder after elevation successful :: v1.2 - 30/07/2015 - Added error message when running from mapped drive :: v1.1 - 01/06/2015 :: :: Fu...

How to convert String to Long in Kotlin?

... Just a heads up, if you're iterating a string of digits, they will be chars and [char].toInt() will give you the ascii representation. – Peheje Jul 20 '17 at 17:11 add a ...

What are the rules for the “…” token in the context of variadic templates?

...ttern = z<T>(args) } Now if I call this function passing T as {int, char, short}, then each of the function call is expanded as: g( arg0, arg1, arg2 ); h( x(arg0), x(arg1), x(arg2) ); m( y(arg0, arg1, arg2) ); n( z<int>(arg0), z<char>(arg1), z<short>(arg2) ); In ...