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What is the significance of #pragma marks? Why do we need #pragma marks?

... say more than couple 100 lines of code we can't see everything on Monitor screen, hence we can't see overview (also called document items) of our class. Sometime we want to see overview of our class; its all methods, constants, properties etc at a glance. You can press Ctrl+6 in XCode to see overvi...

How do you automatically set text box to Uppercase?

...hrough a POST, it will send it however you typed it, not how it's shown on screen. – Vincent Poirier Jul 28 '15 at 19:04 ...

Jenkins / Hudson environment variables

... file and the other lets you configure the values in the job configuration screen. Envfile Plugin — This plugin enables you to set environment variables via a file. The file's format must be the standard Java property file format. EnvInject Plugin — This plugin makes it possible to add enviro...

Easiest way to flip a boolean value?

...cro. This prevents some mistakes and makes it all more readable on narrow screens. – OJW Oct 1 '10 at 12:17  |  show 1 more comment ...

EC2 instance has no public DNS

...etting a Public IP then go over to the subnet in question in the VPC admin screen and you will probably discover "Auto-Assign Public IP" is not set to yes. Modify that setting then, and I know you don't want to here this, create a new instance in that subnet. As far as I can tell you cannot modify...

Setting the zoom level for a MKMapView

... Nice answer. However the zoom will be different depending on the screen size, no? – Vinzius Aug 3 '15 at 13:45 1 ...

How can I write to the console in PHP?

...cially when using output buffering - if your buffer doesn't make it to the screen, neither does your console.log output. It's something to be mindful of. – whoshotdk Aug 24 '16 at 14:26 ...

How to stop a program running under Eclipse?

...t.unternet.bleah.blarg so then just kill 2097 and you should see the main screen show up again. share | improve this answer | follow | ...

SSH to Vagrant box in Windows?

...e: Putty GUI: HostName: Port: 2222 When you connect(Terminal Screen): User: vagrant Passwd: vagrant Before you try to connect, verify your VM using cmd.exe: vagrant status If it is down use: vagrant up ...

Align contents inside a div

...tion and a left value of 50%...so this div now starts in the middle of the screen, and then I subtract half of all the content of the div's width...and I get BEAUTIFULLY scaling content...and I think this works across all browsers, too. Try it for yourself (this example assumes all content on your s...