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Delete with Join in MySQL

...ect_id = posts.project_id AND projects.client_id = :client_id; BTW, with mysql using joins is almost always a way faster than subqueries... share | improve this answer | fo...

How to change MySQL column definition?

I have a mySQL table called test: 3 Answers 3 ...

Creation timestamp and last update timestamp with Hibernate and MySQL

... I would do this using a MySQL trigger so that even if the full entity is not saved or is modified by any external application or manual query, it'll still update these fields. – Webnet Jul 25 '13 at 12:09 ...

新手程序员应该知道的7件事 - 创意 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...。掌握类似于find、comm、diff、vi/vim、sed、awk等工具。知道如何用命令行来查找文件等等,都可以在你写脚本的时候为你减负。” Bull,是一位先用微软工具,然后逐渐转移到Linux的程序员,对此表示赞同:“了解命令行的来龙去...

How to move columns in a MySQL table?

Currently I am having the following MySQL table: Employees (empID, empName, department); 4 Answers ...

mysql create user if not exists

I have a query to check mysql users list for create new user. 2 Answers 2 ...

Unique constraint that allows empty values in MySQL

... Yes, you can do this. See the MySQL reference (version 5.5). A UNIQUE index creates a constraint such that all values in the index must be distinct. An error occurs if you try to add a new row with a key value that matches an existing row. For all eng...

MySQL/SQL: Group by date only on a Datetime column

...son. I would expect it to fail anywhere else as well. Can you confirm that MySQL actually handles this query? – Tomalak Dec 14 '08 at 15:56 1 ...

MySQL convert date string to Unix timestamp

... You will certainly have to use both STR_TO_DATE to convert your date to a MySQL standard date format, and UNIX_TIMESTAMP to get the timestamp from it. Given the format of your date, something like UNIX_TIMESTAMP(STR_TO_DATE(Sales.SalesDate, '%M %e %Y %h:%i%p')) Will gives you a valid timestam...

Sibling package imports

...ern on a regular basis with # Ugly hack to allow absolute import from the root folder # whatever its name is. Please forgive the heresy. if __name__ == "__main__" and __package__ is None: from sys import path from os.path import dirname as dir path.append(dir(path[0])) __package__ ...