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web客户端,api, POST请求,不响应。提示:请求头信息有误:1不是列表类...

通过postman,测试的一个api ,正常相应。 web客户端,post请求,请求不成功,相应代码406。 设置请求头后,提示请求头有误:1不是请求类型。怎么办?设置请求标头的方式有以下3种: 1、二维列表,非主贴内容种的普通单列...

Algorithm to implement a word cloud like Wordle

...onal to its count. Generate a Java2D Shape for each word, using the Java2D API. Each word "wants" to be somewhere, such as "at some random x position in the vertical center". In decreasing order of frequency, do this for each word: place the word where it wants to be while it intersects any of the...

What's the right OAuth 2.0 flow for a mobile app

I am trying to implement delegated authorization in a Web API for mobile apps using OAuth 2.0. According to specification, the implicit grant flow does not support refresh tokens, which means once an access token is granted for an specific period of time, the user must grant permissions to the app a...

Predicate in Java

...king about com.google.common.base.Predicate<T> from Guava. From the API: Determines a true or false value for a given input. For example, a RegexPredicate might implement Predicate<String>, and return true for any string that matches its given regular expression. This is essentia...

When to throw an exception?

... +1 excellent answer. I am so frustrated by developers working on API's that I have to consume, and throw Exceptions for every little thing. VERY few cases really require exceptions. If you have 25 different kinds of exceptions defined, take a look at your design again, you might be doin...

How to force GitHub Pages build?

...and add the lines: #!/bin/bash curl -u yourname:yourtoken -X POST https://api.github.com/repos/yourname/yourrepo/pages/builds Here, Replace yourname with your GitHub username. Replace yourtoken with your copied personal access token. Replace yourrepo with your repository name. 3. Run the scr...

Is there a way to list task dependencies in Gradle?

...es' - task 'processResources' input files task ':classes' - org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.DefaultTaskDependency@287a7782 - task 'classes' input files - compileJava - dirs - compileScala - processResources task ':jar' - task 'jar' input files task ':assemble' - task 'assemble' input...

Best architectural approaches for building iOS networking applications (REST clients)

...es or contains complex UI logic. ARCHITECTURE At first I create a general APIClient class, which is a subclass of AFHTTPSessionManager. This is a workhorse of all networking in the application: all service classes delegate actual REST requests to it. It contains all the customizations of HTTP clien...

Java 7 language features with Android

...d be enabled automatically without any patches. Try-with-resource requires API Level 19+, and NIO 2.0 stuff are missing. If you can't use Java 7 features, see @Nuno's answer on how to edit your build.gradle. The following is for historical interest only. A small part of Java 7 can certainly be...

Why doesn't JUnit provide assertNotEquals methods?

...UnderTest.equals(someOtherObject))? I'm not convinced by the fancy matcher APIs - it seems to be considerably harder for a programmer to explore/discover how to use them... – bacar May 8 '12 at 17:49 ...