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Python学习之Jupyter Notebook和highchart安装 - 大数据 & AI - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

Python学习之Jupyter Notebook和highchart安装运行环境Win7 64位 + Python3 5 2一、安装网页端编译器Jupyter Notebook在cmd输入pip3 install jupyter在cmd输入jupyter notebook, 运行环境 Win7 64位 + Python3.5.2 一、安装网页端编译器Jupyter Notebook 在cm...

What is the coolest thing you can do in

... PHP - the Sierpinski gasket a.k.a the Triforce OK, it's 15 lines of code but the result is awesome! That's the kind of stuff that made me freak out when I was a child. This is from the PHP manual: $x = 200; $y = 200; $gd = i...

Lua简明教程 - 脚本技术 - 清泛IT论坛,有思想、有深度


Apache两种工作模式区别及配置切换 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...式区别及配置切换1、Redhat Linux下查看apache版本号在Apache安装目录bin下,使用以下命令查看即可。使用命令:. httpd -v示例:2、查看Apache当前工作模...1、Redhat Linux下查看apache版本号 在Apache安装目录bin下,使用以下命令查看即可。...

libunwind:记录程序崩溃堆栈 - 开源 & Github - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...https: github com libunwind libunwind这里为了简单,不源码编译安装了,暂时先通过包管理器安装:apt-get install libunwinddemo代码如下:项目地址:https://github.com/libunwind/libunwind 源码编译安装: git clone https://github.com/libunwind/libunwind cd...

How to find the php.ini file used by the command line?

I need to enable pdo_mysql in my EasyPhp environment, so I went to php.ini file and uncommented the following line: 14 Answ...

【解决】undefined reference to \'apr_thread_rwlock_destory\'、undefine...

...efined reference to 'apr_initialize'undefined_reference_apr1、首选确认安装了apr及apr-util否则报错<apr-1 apr_xxx h>头文件找不到。2、-lapr-1 -laprutil-1添加链接,否则报错:undefined reference to & 39;apr_thread_rwlock_de 1、首选确认安装了apr及apr-util 否...

【解决】Java报错:Implicit super constructor Object() is undefined for...

...回OpenJDK8: 卸载新版本OpenJDK: apt-get autoremove openjdk* 安装OpenJDK8,步骤请参考:《Debian/Linux下安装OpenJDK8》 openjdk

新浪是如何分析处理32亿条实时日志的? - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...用性更高的架构。 最近的服务升级,我们为Elasticsearch安装了HDFS Snapshot插件,可以定期将index备份到HDFS,这个功能目前主要用于备份Kibana的配置index,用以恢复用户查看或配置可视化界面时的错误操作。 监控报警方面,System...

Can PNG image transparency be preserved when using PHP's GDlib imagecopyresampled?

The following PHP code snippet uses GD to resize a browser-uploaded PNG to 128x128. It works great, except that the transparent areas in the original image are being replaced with a solid color- black in my case. ...