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上班狗来算算 你离财务自由还差多少钱? - 杂谈 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

上班狗来算算 你离财务自由还差多少钱?现在已经不流行说我的梦想是赚大钱了,因为这种带着淡淡铜臭味的乡村梦想似乎不符合小伙伴们的装B需求,取而代之的是,我的梦想是实现财务...现在已经不流行说“我的梦想是赚大...

GetType() can lie?

...e code from the MSDN for the GetType() method) you could indeed have: int n1 = 12; BadFoo foo = new BadFoo(); Console.WriteLine("n1 and n2 are the same type: {0}", Object.ReferenceEquals(n1.GetType(), foo.GetType())); // output: // n1 and n2 are the same type: True so, yikes,...

LoadRunner中参数化技术详解 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...A 随机 Random + Each iteration 第N次迭代 无论遇到该参数多少次 Vuser1都只取A,或者B,又或者C,本次迭代不再更新 第N次迭代 无论遇到该参数多少次 Vuser2都只取A,或者B,又或者C,本次迭代不再更新 第N次迭代 无论遇到该参...

How to implement a binary tree?

....right = None self.value = value Here is an example of a tree: n1 = Node(1) n2 = Node(2) n3 = Node(3) n1.left = n2 n1.right = n3 In this example n1 is the root of the tree having n2, n3 as its children. shar...

How to determine the longest increasing subsequence using dynamic programming?

... prev = v arr3 = append(arr3, v) } } n1, n2 := len(arr1), len(arr3) M := make([][]int, n2 + 1) e := make([]int, (n1 + 1) * (n2 + 1)) for i := range M { M[i] = e[i * (n1 + 1):(i + 1) * (n1 + 1)] } for i := 1; i <= n2; i++ { ...

Linux自旋锁与互斥锁性能对比表 - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

Linux自旋锁与互斥锁性能对比表Linux自旋锁与互斥锁性能对比表:Linux自旋锁与互斥锁性能对比表: Linux 自旋锁 互斥锁 性能对比

朋友,这半年,你累吗? - 杂谈 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术


Can you nest html forms?

... a <form> element in the same document. Scenario: input_Form1_n1 input_Form2_n1 input_Form1_n2 input_Form2_n2 Implementation: <form id="Form1" action="Action1.php" method="post"></form> <form id="Form2" action="Action2.php" method="post"></form> <input typ...

Change date of git tag (or GitHub Release based on it)

...-list -1 $tag) COMMIT_MSG=$(git tag -l --format='%(contents)' $tag | head -n1) && GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="$(git show $COMMIT_HASH --format=%aD | head -1)" git tag -a -f $tag -m"$COMMIT_MSG" $COMMIT_HASH ; done git tag -l -n1 #check by listing all tags with first line of message git pus...

Maximum number of characters using keystrokes A, Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V

...r the first four A's: FOR I IN 1 TO MIN(N, 4) PRINT 'CLICK A' NEXT LET N1 = N - 4 // Generates the maximum number of pastes allowed: FOR I IN 1 TO (N1 DIV 3) DO PRINT 'CTRL-A' PRINT 'CTRL-C' PRINT 'CTRL-V' LET N1 = N1 - 3 NEXT // If we still have same keystrokes left, let's use...