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How do I install Python packages on Windows?

I'm having a hard time setting up python packages. EasyInstall from SetupTools is supposed to help that, but they don't have an executable for Python 2.6. ...

How do I get IntelliJ to recognize common Python modules?

... Just create and add Python SDK File -> Project Structure -> Project -> Project SDK -> new and select the installation path of your Python interpreter (for example, C:\Python26 in windows and /usr/bin/python2.7 in Linux) as the hom...

Should all Python classes extend object?

... In Python 2, not inheriting from object will create an old-style class, which, amongst other effects, causes type to give different results: >>> class Foo: pass ... >>> type(Foo()) <type 'instance'> v...

What is the difference between '/' and '//' when used for division?

Is there a benefit to using one over the other? In Python 2, they both seem to return the same results: 13 Answers ...

What is the difference between Python and IPython?

What exactly is the difference between Python and IPython ? 7 Answers 7 ...

Can you add new statements to Python's syntax?

Can you add new statements (like print , raise , with ) to Python's syntax? 13 Answers ...

Getting Python error “from: can't read /var/mail/Bio”

I am running a (bio)python script which results in the following error: 6 Answers 6 ...

ImportError: No module named site on Windows

I am trying to install Python for the first time. I downloaded the following installer from the Python website: Python 2.7.1 Windows Installer (Windows binary -- does not include source) . I then ran the installer, selected 'All Users' and all was fine. I installed Python into the default location:...

Java “Virtual Machine” vs. Python “Interpreter” parlance?

It seems rare to read of a Python "virtual machine" while in Java "virtual machine" is used all the time. 13 Answers ...

How do I run a Python program?

So I'm starting like Python a bit, but I'm having trouble erm...running it. Lol 10 Answers ...