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Android RatingBar change star colors [closed]

... progressTint supported only above 21 api level – Yogesh Rathi Mar 4 '16 at 11:16 ...

What is the closest thing Windows has to fork()?

...ticularly interesting because it does not map well on top of the Win32 API. This makes it very difficult to implement correctly. Currently, the Cygwin fork is a non-copy-on-write implementation similar to what was present in early flavors of UNIX. The first thing that happens when...

How do I monitor the computer's CPU, memory, and disk usage in Java?

... the lines of what I mentioned in this post. I recommend you use the SIGAR API. I use the SIGAR API in one of my own applications and it is great. You'll find it is stable, well supported, and full of useful examples. It is open-source with a GPL 2 Apache 2.0 license. Check it out. I have a fee...

Recompile Heroku slug without push or config change

... Update: heroku repo:rebuild has been removed. Heroku has a Build API you can use, see: Building and Releasing Using the API You can use the repo:rebuild command if the heroku-repo add-on. heroku repo:rebuild -a appname https://github.com/heroku/heroku-repo ...

How to reference style attributes from a drawable?

... Starting with lollipop (API 21) this feature is supported, see https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=26251 However, if you're targeting devices without lollipop, don't use it, as it will crash, use the workaround in the accepted answer...

What is __stdcall?

...y matters when you are calling a function outside of your code (e.g. an OS API) or the OS is calling you (as is the case here with WinMain). If the compiler doesn't know the correct calling convention then you will likely get very strange crashes as the stack will not be managed correctly. ...

Android notification is not showing

...ce without this check, the notification won't show up, even if your device API>=26. – Koushik Shom Choudhury Jul 26 '19 at 15:25  |  show 1...

UIWebView open links in Safari

...ding email to all the App owner who are still using UIWebView: Deprecated API Usage - Apple will stop accepting submissions of apps that use UIWebView APIs. Apple takes User Privacy very seriously and it is obvious that they won’t allow insecure webview. So do remove UIWebView from your app as ...

AngularJS: Basic example to use authentication in Single Page Application

... if its a web api? I didnt get your answer i guess :( – Leandro De Mello Fagundes Jul 30 '13 at 16:54 1 ...

What are the differences between .so and .dylib on osx?

...inst the application binary to gain access to the application’s exported API. They can be created by passing the -bundle flag to the compiler. Both dylibs and bundles can be dynamically loaded using the dl APIs (e.g. dlopen, dlclose). It is not possible to link against bundles as if they were s...