大约有 40,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0439秒) [XML]


What's the best way to get the last element of an array without deleting it?

...lt;<option code>>s and <<input code>>s will be run on all versions of PHP. For each test run the following code snippet is used: <<input code>> error_reporting(E_ALL); <<option code>> error_reporting(0); $before=microtime(TRUE); for($i=0;$i<100;$i+...

Set attributes from dictionary in python

...key]) Update As Brent Nash suggests, you can make this more flexible by allowing keyword arguments as well: class Employee(object): def __init__(self, *initial_data, **kwargs): for dictionary in initial_data: for key in dictionary: setattr(self, key, dicti...

.htaccess mod_rewrite - how to exclude directory from rewrite rule

...ries on my server from these rules, so they can become accessible. For now all requests are sent to index.php file. 6 Answ...

PHP - how to create a newline character?

In PHP I am trying to create a newline character: 15 Answers 15 ...

json_encode sparse PHP array as JSON array, not JSON object

...at is, if its keys are 0, 1, 2, 3, ... You can reindex your array sequentially using the array_values function to get the behaviour you want. For example, the code below works successfully in your use case: echo json_encode(array_values($input)). ...

Foreign keys in mongo?

... UPD. I'am using PHP as a programming language, how can I use mongoid, if it is written in Ruby? – Mark Pegasov Jun 13 '11 at 17:54 ...

How to get file_get_contents() to work with HTTPS?

...following code worked fine when I was using the test server (which wasn't calling an SSL URL), but now when I am testing it on the working server with HTTPS, it's failing with the error message "failed to open stream". ...

Use dynamic variable names in JavaScript

... Since ECMA-/Javascript is all about Objects and Contexts (which, are also somekind of Object), every variable is stored in a such called Variable- (or in case of a Function, Activation Object). So if you create variables like this: var a = 1, b ...

Refresh image with a new one at the same url

... + new Date().getTime(); This will append the current timestamp automatically when you are creating the image, and it will make the browser look again for the image instead of retrieving the one in the cache. share ...

PHP操作MongoDB时的整数问题及对策 - 大数据 & AI - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术
