大约有 40,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0459秒) [XML]


Specify JDK for Maven to use

....xml but I don't have a settings.xml . Plus, I don't want to use 1.6 for all maven builds. 14 Answers ...

Reload django object from database

... Not sure what "All non-deferred fields are updated "mentioned in the docs means? – Yunti Nov 13 '15 at 18:15 1 ...

In practice, what are the main uses for the new “yield from” syntax in Python 3.3?

...or v in g: yield v does not even begin to do justice to what yield from is all about. Because, let's face it, if all yield from does is expand the for loop, then it does not warrant adding yield from to the language and preclude a whole bunch of new features from being implemented in Python 2.x. Wh...

How do I analyze a program's core dump file with GDB when it has command-line parameters?

...xt_ptr = "string in text segment"; (void)argv; mmap_ptr = (char *)malloc(sizeof(data_ptr) + 1); strcpy(mmap_ptr, data_ptr); mmap_ptr[10] = 'm'; mmap_ptr[11] = 'm'; mmap_ptr[12] = 'a'; mmap_ptr[13] = 'p'; printf("text addr: %p\n", text_ptr); printf("data addr: %p\n...

Serializing class instance to JSON

...ps() only knows how to serialize a limited set of object types by default, all built-in types. List here: https://docs.python.org/3.3/library/json.html#encoders-and-decoders One good solution would be to make your class inherit from JSONEncoder and then implement the JSONEncoder.default() function...

What do (lambda) function closures capture?

...the name and scope of the variable, not the object it's pointing to. Since all the functions in your example are created in the same scope and use the same variable name, they always refer to the same variable. EDIT: Regarding your other question of how to overcome this, there are two ways that com...

Python string class like StringBuilder in C#?

... There is no one-to-one correlation. For a really good article please see Efficient String Concatenation in Python: Building long strings in the Python progamming language can sometimes result in very slow running code. In this article I investigate the comp...

How can I get the concatenation of two lists in Python without modifying either one? [duplicate]

... Actually you can do this by using the a non hidden function: import operator, operator.add(list1, list2) – e-satis Apr 13 '11 at 12:28 ...

Removing Data From ElasticSearch

...lasticSearch. I have deleted my indexes. However, that doesn't seem to actually remove the data itself. The other stuff I've seen points to the Delete by Query feature. However, I'm not even sure what to query on. I know my indexes. Essentially, I'd like to figure out how to do a ...

What are some good Python ORM solutions? [closed]

I'm evaluating and looking at using CherryPy for a project that's basically a JavaScript front-end from the client-side (browser) that talks to a Python web service on the back-end. So, I really need something fast and lightweight on the back-end that I can implement using Python that then speaks to...