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Why doesn't Python have a sign function?
... it wasn't accepted, because they didn't agree on what it should return in all the edge cases (+/-0, +/-nan, etc)
So they decided to implement only copysign, which (although more verbose) can be used to delegate to the end user the desired behavior for edge cases - which sometimes might require the...
What does pylint's “Too few public methods” message mean
The error basically says that classes aren't meant to just store data, as you're basically treating the class as a dictionary. Classes should have at least a few methods to operate on the data that they hold.
If your class looks like this:...
How to search a string in multiple files and return the names of files in Powershell?
... large operations like that. It becomes very convoluted when you try to do all of that on one line and it is very easy to make a large mistake. I speak from experience
– Kolob Canyon
Sep 6 '18 at 15:44
Get current domain
...e, this gives me a point to continue looking from, but by itself this is really not a good answer...
– Jasper
Oct 27 '15 at 13:35
What is the difference between ManualResetEvent and AutoResetEvent in .NET?
...or. The ManualResetEvent is the door, which needs to be closed (reset) manually. The AutoResetEvent is a tollbooth, allowing one car to go by and automatically closing before the next one can get through.
How to request Administrator access inside a batch file
...s method doesn't forward arguments. Do you know How that can be done? Basically what I observe is that on the first line %1 has some value and on the last line %1 is null. I need to forward the arguments.
– prongs
Jan 11 '13 at 11:54
Permutations in JavaScript?
If you notice, the code actually splits the chars into an array prior to do any permutation, so you simply remove the join and split operation
var permArr = [],
usedChars = [];
function permute(input) {
var i, ch;
for (i = 0; i < inp...
Create a “with” block on several context managers? [duplicate]
with A() as X, B() as Y, C() as Z:
This is normally the best method to use, but if you have an unknown-length list of context managers you'll need one of the below methods.
In Python 3.3, you can enter an unknown-length list of context managers by using contextlib.Exit...
How do you use version control with Access development?
...an Access solution. It has a good amount of VBA, a number of queries, a small amount of tables, and a few forms for data entry & report generation. It's an ideal candidate for Access.
How do I include a pipe | in my linux find -exec command?
...ld result in only a single agrep process being spawned which would process all the output produced by numerous invocations of zcat.
If you for some reason would like to invoke agrep multiple times, you can do:
find . -name 'file_*' -follow -type f \
-printf "zcat %p | agrep -dEOE 'grep'\n" | s...