大约有 40,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0481秒) [XML]


How to get a list of installed android applications and pick one to run

...lowing is the code to get the list of activities/applications installed on Android : Intent mainIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN, null); mainIntent.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_LAUNCHER); List<ResolveInfo> pkgAppsList = context.getPackageManager().queryIntentActivities( mainIntent, 0); ...

Can I avoid the native fullscreen video player with HTML5 on iPhone or android?

...should hopefully sort it out for you. I don't know if it will work on your Android devices. It's a webkit property, so it might. Worth a go, anyway. share | improve this answer | ...

How to run a Runnable thread in Android at defined intervals?

... developed an application to display some text at defined intervals in the Android emulator screen. I am using the Handler class. Here is a snippet from my code: ...

What is the benefit of using Fragments in Android, rather than Views?

When developing for Android , you can set your target (or minimum) sdk to 4 (API 1.6) and add the android compatibility package (v4) to add support for Fragments . Yesterday I did this and successfully implemented Fragments to visualize data from a custom class. ...

How to pass a URI to an intent?

... Hint to anyone in the future: Make sure you're using android.net.Uri and not java.net.URI! – Caleb Jares Jan 31 '14 at 19:32 4 ...

What happens if a Android Service is started multiple times?

...It also says there: "The startService() method returns immediately and the Android system calls the service's onStartCommand() method. If the service is not already running, the system first calls onCreate(), then calls onStartCommand()." So if the service is already running then the system will ski...

How can I check if a view is visible or not in Android? [duplicate]

I set visibility to invisible like this on Android: 4 Answers 4 ...

Android: AsyncTask vs Service

... getting data from a REST API and the first one uses a service. I'm not an Android expert but I was also under the impression that what Computerish said is basically correct. – wuliwong Sep 30 '12 at 3:35 ...

How to delete SQLite database from Android programmatically

I would like to delete the database file from the Android file system programatically? Can I have a shell script launch adb which in turns runs a shell script in the Android space to do the database deletion? Can I get this done from within a JUnit test case (with a system() call)? ...

how to rotate a bitmap 90 degrees

There is a statement in android canvas.drawBitmap(visiblePage, 0, 0, paint); 10 Answers ...