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What's the meaning of exception code “EXC_I386_GPFLT”?

...hich is the x86's way to tell you that "you did something that you are not allowed to do". It typically DOESN'T mean that you access out of memory bounds, but it could be that your code is going out of bounds and causing bad code/data to be used in a way that makes for an protection violation of som...

How to change the session timeout in PHP?

...cted immediately but only whenever the session GC kicks in. GC is a potentially expensive process, so typically the probability is rather small or even zero (a website getting huge numbers of hits will probably forgo probabilistic GC entirely and schedule it to happen in the background every X minut...

Shared-memory objects in multiprocessing

... some other parameters). func with different parameters can be run in parallel. For example: 4 Answers ...

Use cases for the 'setdefault' dict method

...e case: Grouping items (in unsorted data, else use itertools.groupby) # really verbose new = {} for (key, value) in data: if key in new: new[key].append( value ) else: new[key] = [value] # easy with setdefault new = {} for (key, value) in data: group = new.setdefault(k...

Why do we always prefer using parameters in SQL statements?

...uld be SELECT empSalary from employee where salary = 0 or 1=1 whereby all empSalaries would be returned. Further, a user could perform far worse commands against your database, including deleting it If they wrote 0; Drop Table employee: SELECT empSalary from employee where salary = 0; Drop Ta...

How to disable python warnings

...lter("ignore") fxn() I don't condone it, but you could just suppress all warnings with this: import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") Ex: >>> import warnings >>> def f(): ... print('before') ... warnings.warn('you are warned!') ... print('after') >>> ...

Get URL query string parameters

... This is actually the best answer based on the question. The other answers only get the current URI whereas the question only specifies "from URL". – Chris Harrison Aug 29 '13 at 5:38 ...

Where in a virtualenv does the custom code go?

... instance, if I were building a WSGI application and created a virtualenv called foobar I would start with a directory structure like: ...

ie8 var w= window.open() - “Message: Invalid argument.”

...n you look at the official documentation page, you see that Microsoft only allows the following arguments, If using that argument at all: _blank _media _parent _search _self _top share | improve ...

python exception message capturing

...work, I get syntax error, what is the proper way of doing this for logging all kind of exceptions to a file 11 Answers ...