大约有 16,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0225秒) [XML]


What are some (concrete) use-cases for metaclasses?

... to look for methods with the name _get_foo and _set_foo and transparently convert them to properties. As a real-world example, here's a recipe I wrote to give more C-like struct definitions. The metaclass is used to convert the declared items into a struct format string, handling inheritance etc,...

Get name of current script in Python

... As mentioned in another answer to this question, Python scripts that were converted into stand-alone executable programs via tools such as py2exe or PyInstaller might not display the desired result when using this approach (i.e. sys.argv[0] would hold the name of the executable rather than the name...

How to trick an application into thinking its stdout is a terminal, not a pipe

...nd the output -c, --command <command> run command rather than interactive shell -e, --return return exit code of the child process -f, --flush run flush after each write --force use output file even when it is a link -q, --qui...

Find out time it took for a python script to complete execution

...imer("test()", "from __main__ import test") print t.timeit() Then to convert to minutes, you can simply divide by 60. If you want the script runtime in an easily readable format, whether it's seconds or days, you can convert to a timedelta and str it: runtime = time() - st print 'runtime:', t...

The object 'DF__*' is dependent on column '*' - Changing int to double

... Try this: Remove the constraint DF_Movies_Rating__48CFD27E before changing your field type. The constraint is typically created automatically by the DBMS (SQL Server). To see the constraint associated with the table, expand the table attributes in Obj...

How to know what the 'errno' means?

...et a human-readable string for the error number. This is the same string printed by perror() but it's useful if you're formatting the error message for something other than standard error output. For example: #include <errno.h> #include <string.h> /* ... */ if(read(fd, buf, 1)==-1) {...

How can I get a file's size in C? [duplicate]

...ike to know the size, because I want to put the content of the loaded file into a string, which I allocate using malloc() . Just writing malloc(10000*sizeof(char)); is IMHO a bad idea. ...

How to determine total number of open/active connections in ms sql server 2005

...ycle), but maybe the asker is using persistent connections, which requires intelligent connection reuse. – Paul d'Aoust Jul 18 '14 at 17:26 add a comment  |...

How do I detect if Python is running as a 64-bit application? [duplicate]

...he Python docs: Queries the given executable (defaults to the Python interpreter binary) for various architecture information. Returns a tuple (bits, linkage) which contain information about the bit architecture and the linkage format used for the executable. Both values are ret...

How to determine the encoding of text?

..., 'r', encoding='utf-8'), which is more convenient, because codecs doesn't convert \n automatically on reading and writing. More on HERE – Searene May 1 '16 at 6:57 ...