大约有 40,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0538秒) [XML]


Android: Clear the back stack

In Android I have some activities, let's say A, B, C. 38 Answers 38 ...

在 App Inventor 2 中使用图像 · App Inventor 2 中文网

...tter, so the entire grid (assuming 4 bytes per pixel, which is typical for Android) would require 900×26×4 = 93600 or about 100 kilobytes, which will easily fit in the phone memory. On the other hand, suppose that each letter is loaded from its own image file into the app’s Media from a high-re...

How do you save/store objects in SharedPreferences on Android?

... thanks. Let me try to explain. My Android app collects data in real-time approximately every 10 seconds. This data collection uses no objects, just global variables and logic. Next the data is then summarized and stored in a Java object. I use your method abo...

How to use gradle zip in local system without downloading when using gradle-wrapper

... Usually, I use the windows version of Android Studio but sometimes I open my projects in a Linux operating system. Is it possible to define distributionUrl in such a way that Gradle ZIP package be accessible on both OS without changing distributionUrl value? ...

How to read contacts on Android 2.0

I'm working on Android 2.0 and am trying to receive a list of all contacts. 9 Answers ...

Service vs IntentService in the Android platform

...ntService is made from Service A normal service runs on the UI Thread(Any Android Component type runs on UI thread by default eg Activity, BroadcastReceiver, ContentProvider and Service). If you have to do some work that may take a while to complete then you have to create a thread. In the case of ...

In Android, how do I set margins in dp programmatically?

...argin = 200; Code Example for MarginLayoutParams: http://www.codota.com/android/classes/android.view.ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams share | improve this answer | follow ...

Android: Difference between onInterceptTouchEvent and dispatchTouchEvent?

...the difference between onInterceptTouchEvent and dispatchTouchEvent in Android? 14 Answers ...

Android Log.v(), Log.d(), Log.i(), Log.w(), Log.e() - When to use each one?

... Hey buddy! I finally find myself doing some Android work at Google. And I ran into this while trying to figure out how to log things. :) – Mysticial Apr 29 '14 at 21:01 ...

What is the intent of the methods getItem and getItemId in the Android class BaseAdapter?

...rpose of the methods getItem and getItemId in the class Adapter in the Android SDK. 6 Answers ...