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Automatically import modules when entering the python or ipython interpreter
I find myself typing import numpy as np almost every single time I fire up the python interpreter. How do I set up the python or ipython interpreter so that numpy is automatically imported?
how to make a specific text on TextView BOLD
... you have to use next code : Spanned durationSpanned; if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.N) { durationSpanned = Html.fromHtml(durationFormatted,Html.FROM_HTML_MODE_LEGACY); } else { durationSpanned = Html.fromHtml(durationFormatte...
What Ruby IDE do you prefer? [closed]
...e it's not just me -- I've given it many many a chance over the years on a OS X and a variety of linuxes.
– Matt Zukowski
Aug 26 '11 at 0:03
Copying files from host to Docker container
...nce: Docker CLI docs for cp
In Docker versions prior to 1.8 it was only possible to copy files from a container to the host. Not from the host to a container.
improve this answer
bash/fish command to print absolute path to a file
...able. readlink is port of the gnu coreutils, so it will be installed on almost any linux distribution, except for some embedded ones.
– catphive
Nov 16 '10 at 0:15
How do I import global modules in Node? I get “Error: Cannot find module ”?
I am trying to setup Node on Mac OSX Lion. It all seems to work ok, but I can't seem to import anything modules from my global modules folder. I get the error,
convert_tz returns null
...NVERT_TZ('2004-01-01 12:00:00','UTC','MET') AS time
It turns out that on OS X there are two files that cause problems: /usr/share/zoneinfo/Factory and /usr/share/zoneinfo/+VERSION.
The fix... temporarily moving these files to a different location such as /usr/share/zoneinfo/.bak/ allows for the ...
How to copy text from Emacs to another application on Linux
... to M-w).
A system copy is what you typically get from pressing C-c (or choosing "Edit->Copy" in a application window).
An X copy is "physically" highlighting text with the mouse cursor.
An Emacs paste is the command yank (usually bound to C-y).
A system paste is what you typically get from press...
C++ IDE for Linux? [closed]
...irst thing I did was try to find a reasonable IDE. At the time this was impossible: no good IDE existed.
Epiphany: UNIX is an IDE. All of it.1
And then I realised that the IDE in Linux is the command line with its tools:
First you set up your shell
Bash, in my case, but many people prefer
Can Google Chrome open local links?
...e intranet with a restricted set of users? While it can be bad practice, those who chose to misuse the feature must be held accountable for their actions rather than having a useful protocol scheme removed so that none may benefit (who also use it appropriately).
– Rook