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Why won't my PHP app send a 404 error?

.... Of course, your users are still SOL. Normally, 404s are handled by the web server. User: Hey, do you have anything for me at this URI webserver? Webserver: No, I don't, 404! Here's a page to display for 404s. The problem is, once the web server starts processing the PHP page, it's already ...

MVC 4 Razor File Upload

I am new to MVC 4 and I am trying to implement File Upload Control in my website. I am not able to find the mistake.I am getting a null value in my file. ...

Learning Ruby on Rails

...cto for learning Ruby. I bit the bullet and purchased that book and Agile Web Development with Rails; both books have been excellent. Peepcode screencasts and PDF books have also been great for getting started; at $9 per screencast it's hard to go wrong. I actually bought a 5-pack. Also check ou...

Mime type for WOFF fonts?

... According to the following Webkit commit, font/woff and application/x-font-woff will be removed in favor of application/font-woff. Also, the warning has been downgraded to a log message. trac.webkit.org/changeset/144763/trunk/Source/WebCore/inspector/...

Good Haskell source to read and learn from [closed]

...ell damit. With php you read a hello world and go straight on writing poor web-sites. With haskell, there is no upper bound on what you can learn, there's always more interesting extensions and papers coming up. And just now I learned that universities have different styles, and therefor I must chec...

The server committed a protocol violation. Section=ResponseStatusLine ERROR

... Try putting this in your app/web.config: <system.net> <settings> <httpWebRequest useUnsafeHeaderParsing="true" /> </settings> </system.net> If this doesn't work you may also try setting the KeepAlive prope...

The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'xxxxxxx', database 'zzzzzzz', schema 'dbo'

... Giving such permission can be dangerous, especially if your web application uses that same username. Now the web user (and the whole world wide web) also has the permission to create and drop objects within your database. Think SQL Injection! I recommend granting Execute privileges ...

Textarea that can do syntax highlighting on the fly?

... work in Chrome and it looks like development has ceased. CodePress is web-based source code editor with syntax highlighting written in JavaScript that colors text in real time while it's being typed in the browser. CodeMirror ― One of the many demo ― (MIT-style license + optional commercia...

Git serve: I would like it that simple

...ugh git daemon allows for remote access by other git clients, it lacks the Web interface that hg serve provides. – Rob Kennedy Feb 25 '11 at 6:37 4 ...

How to get Chrome to allow mixed content?

... running the following command helps me running https web-page, with iframe which has ws (unsecured) connection chrome.exe --user-data-dir=c:\temp-chrome --disable-web-security --allow-running-insecure-content ...