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Visual SVN 安装及客户端使用 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...81/8080三个;如果最后面的CheckBox被选中,则表示使用安全连接【https协议】,这是的端口只有433/8433二个可用。 图3: 图4: 安装好VisualSVN Server后,运行VisualSVN Server Manger,下面是启动界面: 好的,下面我来添加一个代...

How to enter in a Docker container already running with a new TTY

I have a container that is running the Apache service in the foreground. I would like to be able to access the container from another shell in order to "poke around" inside it and examine the files. At the moment, if I attach to the container, I am left looking at the Apache daemon and cannot run an...

总结const_cast、static_cast、dynamic_cast、reinterpret_cast - C/C++ - ...

...,这样怎么也骗不过去了。 在应用多态编程时,当我们无法确定传过来的对象的实际类型时使用dynamic_cast,如果能保证对象的实际类型,用static_cast就可以了。至于reinterpret_cast,我很喜欢,很象c语言那样的暴力转换:) dy...

MySQL一次主从数据不一致的问题解决过程 - 数据库(内核) - 清泛网 - 专注C/...

...昨天晚上主动2个机器都迁移了,然后今天才把主动重新连接上,但是从库的偏移量是从今天当前时刻开始的,也就是说虽然现在主...情况时这样的: 昨天晚上主动2个机器都迁移了,然后今天才把主动重新连接上,但是从库的...

记录一些Mac OS X技巧 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...e文件 只要用Finder打开文件夹,就会自动生成这些文件,无法禁止这行为,但可以使用这行代码删除(sudo是为了删除一些没权限访问的文件): sudo find / -name ".DS_Store" -delete 管理Dashboard里的widgets 按F4或fn-F12调出Dashboard,点...

菜单的背景颜色 - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...,而且菜单项不具有MF_OWNERDRAW属性, 即使接到消息,也无法自绘,所以上面的ChangeMenuItem函数就是用于修改菜单项属性 WM_MEASUREITEM和WM_DRAWITEM消息不是直接发给菜单窗口的,会被父窗口给收到,所以得处理父窗口的WM_MEASUREITEM和W...

Git commit date

...for the date string, is there a Git native way to report the date of a certain commit? 4 Answers ...

Center a position:fixed element

...l not center vertically and won't work in IE6/7. */ left: 0; right: 0; Again, this works only in IE8+ if you care about IE, and this centers only horizontally not vertically. share | improve this ...

How to toggle a value in Python

...0 >>> x ^= 1 >>> x 1 The technique generalizes to any pair of integers. The xor-by-one step is replaced with a xor-by-precomputed-constant: >>> A = 205 >>> B = -117 >>> t = A ^ B # precomputed toggle constant >>> x = A >>> x ^...

使用App Inventor扩展实现多点触控:Rotation Detector · App Inventor 2 中文网

... to implement multitouch: Rotation Detector Xinyue Deng dengxinyue0420@gmail.com DRAFT (March 6, 2016): Building extensions requires the App Inventor extensions capability, which is not yet incorporated into the App Inventor release. But you can try some ofary AI2 server. You can implement the...