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Passing parameters to a Bash function

...n_name { command... } or function_name () { command... } To call a function with arguments: function_name "$arg1" "$arg2" The function refers to passed arguments by their position (not by name), that is $1, $2, and so forth. $0 is the name of the script itself. Example: function_n...

SQLAlchemy: cascade delete

...use that is where you defined your relationship (it doesn't care that you called it "Child" of course). If you define the relationship on the Parent class instead, it will work: children = relationship("Child", cascade="all,delete", backref="parent") (note "Child" as a string: this is allowed wh...

Python integer division yields float

... @JonathanSternberg except for all the code that was written for python 2.0. I feel like the role of / and // should be reversed to keep backwards compatibility. Also, in pretty much every other language / preserves type. i would make more sense then fo...

How can I get the MAC and the IP address of a connected client in PHP?

... address, you could parse the output of netstat -ie in Linux, or ipconfig /all in Windows. Client IP address You can get the client IP from $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] Client MAC address The client MAC address will not be available to you except in one special circumstance: if the client is on the s...

python NameError: global name '__file__' is not defined

... I had the same problem with PyInstaller and Py2exe so I came across the resolution on the FAQ from cx-freeze. When using your script from the console or as an application, the functions hereunder will deliver you the "execution path", not the "actual file pa...

Running a specific test case in Django when your app has a tests directory

... Checkout django-nose. It allows you to specify tests to run like: python manage.py test another.test:TestCase.test_method or as noted in comments, use the syntax: python manage.py test another.test.TestCase.test_method ...

String concatenation: concat() vs “+” operator

...then throwing it away when you create the final String. In practice memory allocation is surprisingly fast. Update: As Pawel Adamski notes, performance has changed in more recent HotSpot. javac still produces exactly the same code, but the bytecode compiler cheats. Simple testing entirely fails bec...

Rounding up to next power of 2

...mon: it's the portable solution. There's no common efficient algorithm for all architectures – phuclv Dec 6 '13 at 9:27 5 ...

How to avoid “if” chains?

...ep<X>() should evaluate only if the previous one succeeded (this is called short circuit evaluation) executeThisFunctionInAnyCase() will be executed in any case share | improve this answer ...

Reference: What is variable scope, which variables are accessible from where and what are “undefined

... be in the global scope in a.php doesn't necessarily mean they are, it actually depends on which context that code is included/executed in. What about functions inside functions and classes? Every new function declaration introduces a new scope, it's that simple. (anonymous) functions inside func...