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Comparison between Corona, Phonegap, Titanium

... kill of adb.exe with Ctrl+Alt+Delete and retry. Network connection On a wifi-network you sometimes looses the live connection and Titanium crashes on you (the compile/deploy interface) If you do not have a working internet connection it will not start as it can not log you in to their servers. ...

Android应用开发性能优化完全分析 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...的操作时尽量采用压缩数据进行传输且延迟到设备充电和WIFI状态时进行。 在有必要的情况下尽量通过PowerManager.WakeLock和JobScheduler来控制一些逻辑操作达到省电优化。 对定位要求不太高的场景尽量使用网络定位,而不是GP...