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Access an arbitrary element in a dictionary in Python

... On Python 3, non-destructively and iteratively: next(iter(mydict.values())) On Python 2, non-destructively and iteratively: mydict.itervalues().next() If you want it to work in both Python 2 and 3, you can use the six pack...

Python: Why is functools.partial necessary?

...g those "familiar with" (etc) yet think of lambda as an eyesore anomaly in Python... He was repentant of ever having accepted it into Python whereas planned to remove it from Python 3, as one of "Python's glitches". I fully supported him in that. (I love lambda in Scheme... while its limitations in...

Python class inherits object

... Is there any reason for a class declaration to inherit from object? In Python 3, apart from compatibility between Python 2 and 3, no reason. In Python 2, many reasons. Python 2.x story: In Python 2.x (from 2.2 onwards) there's two styles of classes depending on the presence or absence of ob...

Python in Xcode 4+?

How does one create a Python friendly environment in Xcode 4, 5, 6 or 7? 8 Answers 8 ...

Scoping in Python 'for' loops

I'm not asking about Python's scoping rules; I understand generally how scoping works in Python for loops. My question is why the design decisions were made in this way. For example (no pun intended): ...

How do you create a daemon in Python?

...entation of PEP 3143 (Standard daemon process library) is now available as python-daemon. Historical answer Sander Marechal's code sample is superior to the original, which was originally posted in 2004. I once contributed a daemonizer for Pyro, but would probably use Sander's code if I had to do...

How to avoid .pyc files?

Can I run the python interpreter without generating the compiled .pyc files? 10 Answers ...

TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable in Python

...nded here is totally to skip the for loop instead of raising an exception. Python's design is flawed here. When None is treated as an iterable it must return empty list at least. This exception never helped anyone in real life other than making us insert few ugly if data is not None: kind of handl...

Compiling with cython and mingw produces gcc: error: unrecognized command line option '-mno-cygwin'

I'm trying to compile a python extension with cython in win 7 64-bit using mingw (64-bit). I'm working with Python 2.6 (Active Python 2.6.6) and with the adequate distutils.cfg file (setting mingw as the compiler) ...

End of support for python 2.7?

Is there a known date/timeframe when python 2.7 will not be supported any more in favor of python 3? 9 Answers ...