大约有 16,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0258秒) [XML]


SQL Server query to find all permissions/access for all users in a database

...ive me a good start. Either sql 2008, 2005 or 2000 will do, I can probably convert as needed. 16 Answers ...

How to see query history in SQL Server Management Studio

...rofiler – best suited if you just want to start auditing and you are not interested in what happened earlier. Make sure you use filters to select only transactions you need. Otherwise you’ll end up with ton of data very quickly. SQL Server trace - best suited if you want to capture all or most...

Python: avoid new line with print command [duplicate]

...on. It's pretty dumb but I can't figure out how to do it. When I use the print command, it prints whatever I want and then goes to a different line. For example: ...

将Linux代码移植到Windows的简单方法 - 操作系统(内核) - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...Visual Studio .NET 2003创建一个空的工程(Project),命名为WinTar。根据Cygwin中的编译输出信息,Tar主要的代码在Src和lib两个目录中。把这两个目录复制到新工程里,并把代码加入到工程中。然后复制Config.h到WinTar工程目录下面。 准...

Detect the specific iPhone/iPod touch model [duplicate]

...xist if ([aux rangeOfString:@"iPhone"].location!=NSNotFound) { int version = [[aux stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"iPhone" withString:@""] intValue]; if (version == 3) return @"iPhone4" if (version >= 4) return @"iPhone4s"; } if ([aux rangeOfString:@"iP...

How do I use cascade delete with SQL Server?

... You will need to, Drop the existing foreign key constraint, Add a new one with the ON DELETE CASCADE setting enabled. Something like: ALTER TABLE dbo.T2 DROP CONSTRAINT FK_T1_T2 -- or whatever it's called ALTER TABLE dbo.T2 ADD CONSTRAINT FK_T1_T2_Cascade FOREIGN K...

How to check existence of user-define table type in SQL Server 2008?

...VAB.Person; go CREATE TYPE VAB.Person AS TABLE ( PersonID INT ,FirstName VARCHAR(255) ,MiddleName VARCHAR(255) ,LastName VARCHAR(255) ,PreferredName VARCHAR(255) ); ...

How can I get a file's size in C++? [duplicate]

... this is missleading answer, since there is no way to convert pos_type to int/long – Stepan Yakovenko Jan 25 '18 at 10:28  |  ...

Redirect stdout to a file in Python?

...a file object does the trick: import sys sys.stdout = open('file', 'w') print('test') A far more common method is to use shell redirection when executing (same on Windows and Linux): $ python foo.py > file share ...

Get size of all tables in database

... looking for. create table #TableSize ( Name varchar(255), [rows] int, reserved varchar(255), data varchar(255), index_size varchar(255), unused varchar(255)) create table #ConvertedSizes ( Name varchar(255), [rows] int, reservedKb int, dataKb int, reserv...