大约有 40,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0213秒) [XML]


Add Keypair to existing EC2 instance

... [ubuntu@ip-11-111-111-111 ~]$ sudo su - [root@ip-11-111-111-111 ubuntu]# passwd john Add “john” to sudoer’s list by: [root@ip-11-111-111-111 ubuntu]# visudo .. and add the following to the end of the file: john ALL = (ALL) ALL Alright! We have our new user created, now you need ...

记录一些Mac OS X技巧 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...久生效话,可以在~/.bash_profile、~/.bash_login、~/.profile或/etc/profile(需要管理员权限)里进行设置: echo 'PS1="[\u@\h \W]\$ "' >> ~/.bash_profile 要修改主机名话,可以打开“系统偏好设置”里“共享”,然后编辑电脑名称。 快...

Linux下追踪程序退出(崩溃)思路 - 操作系统(内核) - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

... 历史命令默认会保存1000条,如果觉得太少,可以修改/etc/profile中HISTSIZE=1000,改成你想要值。 注意:history只针对登录用户下执行有效,即使root用户也无法得到其它用户histotry历史。当然,还是有办法记录所有登陆用户...

Shell脚本编程30分钟入门 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...接赋值,还可以用语句给变量赋值,如: for file in `ls /etc` 使用变量 使用一个定义过变量,只要在变量名前面加美元符号即可,如: your_name="qinjx" echo $your_name echo ${your_name} 变量名外面花括号是可选,加不加都行...

C++实现一款简单完整聊天室服务器+客户端 - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

... Clients();//构造函数 virtual ~Clients();//析构函数 int GetClientCount(); bool PutClient(int sock,const struct sockaddr_in &clientAddr); void RemoveClient(int sock); bool GetAddrBySocket(int sock,struct sockaddr_in *addr); bool PutName(int sock,const char *name, int...

FTP/SFTP access to an Amazon S3 Bucket [closed]

...our security credentials in a form access-key-id:secret-access-key to /etc/passwd-s3fs Add a bucket mounting entry to fstab: <bucket> /mnt/<bucket> fuse.s3fs rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other 0 0 For details, see my guide Setting up an SFTP access to Amazon S3. Use S3 Client Or use any...

In Windows cmd, how do I prompt for user input and use the result in another command?

...ping? Like if you wanted to do a: set /p id=Enter ID:\r\n set /p pw=Enter Passwd: and didn't want the password text to show in the window, let alone, show in the "DosKey" command buffer? I've tried several different ways, and haven't been able to find a way to do this, outside of writing a little ...

Groovy executing shell commands

...ommand with env vars: envVars = ["P4PORT=p4server:2222", "P4USER=user", "P4PASSWD=pass", "P4CLIENT=p4workspace"]; workDir = new File("path"); cmd = "bash -c \"p4 change -o 1234\""; proc = cmd.execute(envVars, workDir); – Noam Manos Nov 5 '13 at 9:39 ...

How to export and import a .sql file from command line with options? [duplicate]

... check and confirm: grant all privileges on *.* to root@"%" identified by "Passwd"; ERROR 2006 (HY000) at line 866: MySQL server has gone away mysqldump: Got errno 32 on write # set this values big enough on destination mysql server, like: max_allowed_packet=1024*1024*20 # use compress parameter ...

SSH to Vagrant box in Windows?

...: Port: 2222 When you connect(Terminal Screen): User: vagrant Passwd: vagrant Before you try to connect, verify your VM using cmd.exe: vagrant status If it is down use: vagrant up share | ...