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Securely storing environment variables in GAE with app.yaml

I need to store API keys and other sensitive information in app.yaml as environment variables for deployment on GAE. The issue with this is that if I push app.yaml to GitHub, this information becomes public (not good). I don't want to store the info in a datastore as it does not suit the project...

Auto reloading python Flask app upon code changes

I'm investigating how to develop a decent web app with Python. Since I don't want some high-order structures to get in my way, my choice fell on the lightweight Flask framework . Time will tell if this was the right choice. ...

App开发如何更快捷? - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

App开发如何更快捷?如今,专业的第三方服务为App开发缩短了周期降低了成本,让App开发越来越简单快捷。APICloud 是中国领先的云端一体移动应用云服务提供商,...如今,专业的第三方服务为App开发缩短了周期降低了成本,让App...

App Inventor 2数据存储组件之:微数据库,本地存储数据App下次启动可共享...

... 网络,本地一般是数据文件的形式存储在手机上,本地App每次启动都可以共享读取,但是不同的手机之间不可以共享数据;如果需要多个手机之间共享获取或存储数据的话,那就需要用到网络数据库了(云数据库、网络微数据...

App Inventor 2 中文网VIP专享内容 · App Inventor 2 中文网

创建 Apps 首页 关于我们 关于我们 发布日志 服务条款 教育 中文教程 中文社区 反馈 我要反馈 App Inve...

App Inventor 2 IoT 参考文档 · App Inventor 2 中文网

创建 Apps 首页 关于我们 关于我们 发布日志 服务条款 教育 入门必读 中文教程 IoT专题 AI2拓展 ChatGPT接入 Aia Store 开通VIP ...

App Inventor 2 实现商业级APP启动屏幕效果(SplashScreen) · App Inventor 2 中文网

创建 Apps 首页 关于我们 关于我们 发布日志 服务条款 教育 入门必读 中文教程 IoT专题 AI2拓展 Aia Store 开通VIP ...

【持续更新】App Inventor 2 中文拓展一览 - App Inventor 2 中文网 - 清泛...

【持续更新】App Inventor 2 中文拓展一览ai2_extensions本文档描述您在使用App Inventor 2构建应用程序时所能用到的拓展,以打造界面更加酷炫、功能更加强大的App。更多拓展请移步至《原版最全拓展一览》。【实用小技巧】从 aia项目...

Django - Circular model import issue

...not getting this, so if someone could explain how this works I'd very much appreciate it. I have two applications, Accounts and Theme... here is my settings list: ...

How to open the Google Play Store directly from my Android application?

... You can do this using the market:// prefix. final String appPackageName = getPackageName(); // getPackageName() from Context or Activity object try { startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("market://details?id=" + appPackageName))); } catch (android.content.Acti...