大约有 46,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0328秒) [XML]


PHP passing $_GET in linux command prompt

...opulate $_GET anyway, you can do this: // bash command: // export QUERY_STRING="var=value&arg=value" ; php -e myscript.php parse_str($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $_GET); print_r($_GET); /* outputs: Array( [var] => value [arg] => value ) */ You can also execute a...

Clearing purchases from iOS in-app purchase sandbox for a test user

... accounts associated to one email. Gmail for example lets you add a "plus" string to the email to create aliases for an address: so tester+01@gmail.com and tester+02@gmail.com both really just go to tester@gmail.com. Probably other email hosts do the same. When you create a test account you need to ...

How do I capture the output into a variable from an external process in PowerShell?

... Have you tried: $OutputVariable = (Shell command) | Out-String share | improve this answer | follow | ...

Difference between Python's Generators and Iterators

...iterables are the built-in tuples, lists, dictionaries, sets, frozen sets, strings, byte strings, byte arrays, ranges and memoryviews: >>> all(isinstance(element, collections.Iterable) for element in ( (), [], {}, set(), frozenset(), '', b'', bytearray(), range(0), memoryview(b''))...

Using Enum values as String literals

What is the best way to use the values stored in an Enum as String literals? For example: 18 Answers ...

How to read/process command line arguments?

...tional arguments. The optparse module requires you to write your own usage string, and has no way to display help for positional arguments. argparse supports action that consume a variable number of command-line args, while optparse requires that the exact number of arguments (e.g. 1, 2, or 3) be kn...

How to serialize an object to XML without getting xmlns=“…”?

... output file down and serialize it in smaller "chunks": public static string XmlSerialize<T>(T entity) where T : class { // removes version XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings(); settings.OmitXmlDeclaration = true; XmlSerializer xsSubmit...

Python: Ignore 'Incorrect padding' error when base64 decoding

...64, padding being optional. :param data: Base64 data as an ASCII byte string :returns: The decoded byte string. """ data = re.sub(rb'[^a-zA-Z0-9%s]+' % altchars, b'', data) # normalize missing_padding = len(data) % 4 if missing_padding: data += b'='* (4 - missing_p...

Django. Override save for model

... You may supply extra argument for confirming a new image is posted. Something like: def save(self, new_image=False, *args, **kwargs): if new_image: small=rescale_image(self.image,width=100,height=100) self.image_small=S...

Getter and Setter declaration in .NET [duplicate]

...es are used to encapsulate some data. You could use a plain field: public string MyField But this field can be accessed by all outside users of your class. People can insert illegal values or change the value in ways you didn't expect. By using a property, you can encapsulate the way your data i...