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PHP-FPM doesn't write to error log

I've just installed a nginx+php-fpm server. Everything seems fine except that PHP-FPM never writes error to its log. 11 Ans...


... it should be key=>value paired and the Content-type header is automatically set to multipart/form-data. Also, you don't have to create extra functions to build the query for your arrays, you already have that: $query = http_build_query($data, '', '&'); ...

Use PHP to create, edit and delete crontab jobs?

... Also, take note that apache is running as a particular user and that's usually not root, which means the cron jobs can only be changed for the apache user unless given crontab -u privilege to the apache user. share ...

How do you connect to multiple MySQL databases on a single webpage?

I have information spread out across a few databases and want to put all the information onto one webpage using PHP. I was wondering how I can connect to multiple databases on a single PHP webpage. ...

Is there a use-case for singletons with database access in PHP?

...bsolutely sure that you'll never have more than one instance of, you eventually have a second. You may end up with a second monitor, a second database, a second server--whatever. When this happens, if you have used a static class you're in for a much worse refactor than if you had used a singleton...

PHP best way to MD5 multi-dimensional array?

...ll work. md5(serialize($array)); However, it's worth noting that (ironically) json_encode performs noticeably faster: md5(json_encode($array)); In fact, the speed increase is two-fold here as (1) json_encode alone performs faster than serialize, and (2) json_encode produces a smaller string an...

Is there a MySQL option/feature to track history of changes to records?

...ant to audit the changes to the data - who did what and when?", you can usually use audit tables (as per the trigger example Keethanjan posted). I'm not a huge fan of triggers, but it has the great benefit of being relatively painless to implement - your existing code doesn't need to know about the ...

How do I convert a string to a number in PHP?

... You don't typically need to do this, since PHP will coerce the type for you in most circumstances. For situations where you do want to explicitly convert the type, cast it: $num = "3.14"; $int = (int)$num; $float = (float)$num; ...

What Does This Mean in PHP -> or => [duplicate]

I see these in PHP all the time but I don't have a clue as to what they actually mean. What does -> do and what does => do. And I'm not talking about the operators. They're something else, but nobody seems to know... ...

window.location.reload with clear cache [duplicate]

... UPDATE 1 After reading the comments I realize you wanted to programmatically erase the cache and not every time. What you could do is have a function in JS like: eraseCache(){ window.location = window.location.href+'?eraseCache=true'; } Then, in PHP let's say, you do something like this: &l...