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What's the best way to build a string of delimited items in Java?

...lar to the one you refer to in Ruby: StringUtils.join(java.lang.Iterable,char) Java 8: Java 8 provides joining out of the box via StringJoiner and String.join(). The snippets below show how you can use them: StringJoiner StringJoiner joiner = new StringJoiner(","); joiner.add("01").add("02")...

Java `final` method: what does it promise?

...lass. Reliability and Contract -- Objects are composed of primitives (int, char, double, etc.) and/or other Objects. Not all operations applicable to those components should be applicable or even logical when they are used in the bigger Object. Methods with the final modifier can be used to ensure t...

What is the curiously recurring template pattern (CRTP)?

...ter { public: Writer() { } ~Writer() { } void write(const char* str) const { static_cast<const T*>(this)->writeImpl(str); //here the magic is!!! } }; class FileWriter : public Writer<FileWriter> { public: FileWriter(FILE* aFile) { mFile = aFile; ...

Iterate two Lists or Arrays with one ForEach statement in C#

...Zip method msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd267698.aspx and return resultSelector(first, second) instead of a KVP. – Martín Coll Jun 12 '13 at 19:17 ...

How much size “Null” value takes in SQL Server

... The following link claims that if the column is variable length, i.e. varchar then NULL takes 0 bytes (plus 1 byte is used to flag whether value is NULL or not): How does SQL Server really store NULL-s The above link, as well as the below link, claim that for fixed length columns, i.e. char(10...

What is the printf format specifier for bool?

... @HelloGoodbye, passing a single char * to printf() is considered bad practice because it's really supposed to be a format string, and an unescaped percent sign might cause your program to blow up (see here for more). Thus, printf("%s", ...) is safer. If you...

How exactly does the callstack work?

... pointer arithmetic. Example #include <iostream> int main() { char c = std::cin.get(); std::cout << c; } gcc.godbolt.org gives us main: pushq %rbp movq %rsp, %rbp subq $16, %rsp movl std::cin, %edi call std::basic_istream<char, std::cha...

Removing colors from output

...hould probably be (m|K) or [mK], because you're not trying to match a pipe character. But that's not important right now.) If you switch that final match in your command to [mGK] or (m|G|K), you should be able to catch that extra control sequence. ./somescript | sed -r "s/\x1B\[([0-9]{1,3}(;[0-9]{...

C++虚继承的概念 - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

..." << endl;} 34: private: 35: }; 36: 37: int main(int argc, char* argv[]) 38: { 39: Child c; 40: 41: //不能这样使用,会产生二意性,VC下error C2385 42: //c.print(); 43: 44: //只能这样使用 45: c.Base::print(); 46: c.Sub::print...

How do I remove code duplication between similar const and non-const member functions?

...780321334879. Here's Meyers' solution (simplified): struct C { const char &amp; get() const { return c; } char &amp; get() { return const_cast&lt;char &amp;&gt;(static_cast&lt;const C &amp;&gt;(*this).get()); } char c; }; The two casts and function call may be ugly but it's c...