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Reading file contents on the client-side in javascript in various browsers
Edited to add information about the File API
Since I originally wrote this answer, the File API has been proposed as a standard and implemented in most browsers (as of IE 10, which added support for FileReader API described here, though not yet the File API). The A...
What is simplest way to read a file into String? [duplicate]
...ve one actual token, which is the entire file, so it can be read with one call to next().
There is a constructor that takes a File and a String charSetName (among many other overloads). These two constructor may throw FileNotFoundException, but like all Scanner methods, no IOException can be thrown...
How do I check if a string contains another string in Swift?
...th the Foundation framework in Cocoa or
Cocoa Touch, the entire NSString API is available to call on any
String value you create, in addition to the String features described
in this chapter. You can also use a String value with any API that
requires an NSString instance.
However, it doesn...
How to use filter, map, and reduce in Python 3
... longer return lists:
map() and filter() return iterators. If you really need a list, a quick fix is e.g. list(map(...)), but a better fix is often to use a list comprehension (especially when the original code uses lambda), or rewriting the code so it doesn’t need a list at all. Particular...
Automatically update version number
...ce the revision and build numbers with a coded date/timestamp, which is usually also a good way.
For more info, see the Assembly Linker Documentation in the /v tag.
As for automatically incrementing numbers, use the AssemblyInfo Task:
AssemblyInfo Task
This can be configured to automatically in...
Smart way to truncate long strings
Essentially, you check the length of the given string. If it's longer than a given length n, clip it to length n (substr or slice) and add html entity … (…) to the clipped string.
Such a method looks like
function tru...
Avoiding memory leaks with Scalaz 7 zipWithIndex/group enumeratees
... come as little consolation for anyone who's stuck with the older iteratee API, but I recently verified that an equivalent test passes against the scalaz-stream API. This is a newer stream processing API that is intended to replace iteratee.
For completeness, here's the test code:
// create a stre...
What is the difference between a static and a non-static initialization code block
...own, just like simple variable initializers) when the class is loaded (actually, when it's resolved, but that's a technicality).
Instance initializers are executed in the order defined when the class is instantiated, immediately before the constructor code is executed, immediately after the invocat...
How To Accept a File POST
I'm using asp.net mvc 4 webapi beta to build a rest service. I need to be able to accept POSTed images/files from client applications. Is this possible using the webapi? Below is how action I am currently using. Does anyone know of an example how this should work?
How to remove an item from an array in AngularJS scope?
Your issue is not really with Angular, but with Array methods. The proper way to remove a particularly item from an array is with Array.splice. Also, when using ng-repeat, you have access to the special $index property, which is the current inde...