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Finding local maxima/minima with Numpy in a 1D numpy array
1,2001010 silver badges2121 bronze badges
answered Jan 7 '11 at 11:41
Sven MarnachSven Marnach
How can I force division to be floating point? Division keeps rounding down to 0?
... I want to calculate a / b , so if I use integer division I'll always get 0 with a remainder of a .
11 Answers
Hex representation of a color with alpha channel?
...se rgba() functional notation with decimals or percentages, e.g. rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5) would be 50% transparent red. RGB channels are 0-255 or 0%-100%, alpha is 0-1.
In CSS 4*, you can specify the alpha channel using the 7th and 8th characters of an 8 digit hex colour, or 4th character of a 4 digit ...
On localhost, how do I pick a free port number?
...do I figure out which port is available? I assume I cannot listen on port 80 or 21?
5 Answers
Parse (split) a string in C++ using string delimiter (standard C++)
std::string delimiter = ">=";
std::string token = s.substr(0, s.find(delimiter)); // token is "scott"
The find(const string& str, size_t pos = 0) function returns the position of the first occurrence of str in the string, or npos if the string is not found.
The substr(size_t p...
Gradle proxy configuration
HTTP Only Proxy configuration
gradlew -Dhttp.proxyHost= -Dhttp.proxyPort=3128 "-Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=*.nonproxyrepos.com|localhost"
HTTPS Only Proxy configuration
gradlew -Dhttps.proxyHost= -Dhttps.proxyPort=3129 "-Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=*.nonproxyrepos.com|localh...
How to access pandas groupby dataframe by key
...group method:
In [21]: gb.get_group('foo')
0 foo 1.624345 5
2 foo -0.528172 11
4 foo 0.865408 14
Note: This doesn't require creating an intermediary dictionary / copy of every subdataframe for every group, so will be much more memory-efficient that creating...
MySQL - Rows to Columns
...temvalue |
| 1 | A | 10 |
| 1 | B | 3 |
| 2 | A | 9 |
| 2 | C | 40 |
This will be our goal, the pretty pivot table:
select * from history_itemvalue_piv...
What is the Difference Between read() and recv() , and Between send() and write()?
The difference is that recv()/send() work only on socket descriptors and let you specify certain...
Shuffle two list at once with same order
– Jaroslav Klimčík
Apr 25 '14 at 10:15
(noob question) - what does the * mean?