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Unexpected character encountered while parsing value

....Json to the Ignore assemblies setting in the Android Build Configuration (screen shot below) JSON Parsing Code static readonly JsonSerializer _serializer = new JsonSerializer(); static readonly HttpClient _client = new HttpClient(); static async Task<T> GetDataObjectFromAPI<T>(string...

How do I do redo (i.e. “undo undo”) in Vim?

...RL-R* CTRL-R Redo [count] changes which were undone. {Vi: redraw screen} *:red* *:redo* *redo* :red[o] Redo one change which was undone. {Vi: no redo} *U* U Undo all latest changes on one line. {Vi: while not ...

Reload activity in Android

...tance, I am accessing the phone's camera, and when the photo is taken, the screen returns to my activity to post it into a view. By using lifecycle methods to refresh, I get kicked out of the camera process, and my photo does not return to the activity, but rather I get the activity from the start. ...

Creating a Radial Menu in CSS

...VG, no images (other than the background on the root element). 2015 demo Screenshots Chrome 43: Firefox 38: IE 11: Code The HTML is pretty simple. I'm using the checkbox hack to reveal/ hide the menu. <input type='checkbox' id='t'/> <label for='t'>✰</label> <ul&g...

How to stop Gradle task execution in Android Studio?

...l button appears when the gradle is building on the very bottom of the IDE screen. It doesn't seem to do anything, but at least there's something to push. Wheee! :D share | improve this answer ...

How to hide the “back” button in UINavigationController?

...lready recommended), don't forget the user can still 'pop' to the previous screen with a left-to-right swipe gesture in iOS 7 and later. To disable that (when appropriate), implement the following (in viewDidLoad for example): if ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] floatValue] >= 7.0) ...

How to set UITextField height?

... stackoverflow.com/questions/21295136/… when I do that I added a print screen – Esqarrouth Jan 26 '14 at 20:52 A t...

Refresh a page using PHP

...you have images on the page. If you only need to update information on the screen, like stock prices, but not use that information in a form or from javascript, perhaps use an iframe tag pointing to a page with just the information being updated, and with a delay appropriate to how current the infor...

Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds

...want to make sure it both wraps and is small enough to fit entirely on the screen. 34 Answers ...

How to Add a Dotted Underline Beneath HTML Text

...text and add the underline. That basically means your page is useless to a screen reader. With CSS, it is simple. HTML: <u class="dotted">I like cheese</u> CSS: u.dotted{ border-bottom: 1px dashed #999; text-decoration: none; } Running Example Example page <!DOCTYPE HT...