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C++应用程序添加VBScript和JavaScript支持 - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...d to the execute function and statement. This class has no dependencies on MFC and can also be used in a console application. First of all to call a script it is important to know that VBScript and JScript deal only with VARIANT parameters. This is the reason I created the CSafeArrayHelper class. ...

关于php的socket初探 - PHP - 清泛IT论坛,有思想、有深度

...通知调用者。 3、多路复用(IO/Multiplexing):为了提高数据信息在网络通信线路中传输的效率,在一条物理通信线路上建立多条逻辑通信信道,同时传输若干路信号的技术就叫做多路复用技术。对于 Socket 来说,应该说能同时...

通过FastCGI Cache实现服务降级 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...目而言,同样存在着很多生死考验,比如:访问量激增;数据库宕机等等,此时如果没有合理的降级方案,那么结局必然是死路一条。 任何问题一旦脱离了实际情况,便失去了讨论的意义。在继续之前,不妨先介绍一下案例的...

C++应用程序添加VBScript和JavaScript支持 - C/C++ - 清泛网移动版 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...d to the execute function and statement. This class has no dependencies on MFC and can also be used in a console application. First of all to call a script it is important to know that VBScript and JScript deal only with VARIANT parameters. This is the reason I created the CSafeArrayHelper class. ...

可重入函数、不可重入函数及线程安全 - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...足下面条件之一的多数是不可重入函数: (1) 使用了静态数据结构; (2) 调用了malloc或free; (3) 调用了标准I/O函数;标准io库很多实现都以不可重入的方式使用全局数据结构。 (4) 进行了浮点运算.许多的处理器/编译器中,浮点一般...

How to display a dynamically allocated array in the Visual Studio debugger?

... For MFC arrays (CArray, CStringArray, ...) following the next link in its Tip #4 http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/469416/10-More-Visual-Studio-Debugging-Tips-for-Native-De For example for "CArray pArray", add in the Watch wi...

C++中智能指针的设计和使用 - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...针的复制。原来的类中有一个指针指向辅助类,辅助类的数据成员是一个计数器和一个指针(指向原来的)(此为本次智能指针实现方式)。 其实,智能指针的引用计数类似于java的垃圾回收机制:java的垃圾的判定很简答,...

Free XML Formatting tool [closed]

...is firstobject XML editor (including the CDataEdit gigabyte edit control MFC component) is available as part of the Advanced CMarkup Developer License. It allows developers to implement custom XML handling functions such as validation, transformation, beautify, and reporting for their own ...

The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b)

...nce. You can use dependency walker and windows debugger. Check all of the mfc library, for example. Also, you can use nrCommlib - it is great components to work with com ports. share | improve this...

C++: what regex library should I use? [closed]

...n write it in c++11 - Do the tutorial: http://www.codeguru.com/cpp/cpp/cpp_mfc/stl/article.php/c15339 Note: At the time of writing the only c++11 regex library that I know works is the clang/llvm one, and only works on Mac. The GNU still doesn't implement regex yet. I don't know about Visual Studio...