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What are the differences between the threading and multiprocessing modules?

...nd the multiprocessing modules in Python to run certain operations in parallel and speed up my code. 6 Answers ...

Call a python function from jinja2

I am using jinja2, and I want to call a python function as a helper, using a similar syntax as if I were calling a macro. jinja2 seems intent on preventing me from making a function call, and insists I repeat myself by copying the function into a template as a macro. ...

Understanding typedefs for function pointers in C

...es' code which had typedefs for pointers to functions with arguments. I recall that it took me a while to get around to such a definition while trying to understand a numerical algorithm written in C a while ago. So, could you share your tips and thoughts on how to write good typedefs for pointers t...

Python string.join(list) on object array rather than string array

...riments says that the list comprehension one can be a good 60% faster on small lists (experiment run 10^6 times on a list of three object()s). However, their performance is similar on big lists (2nd experiment run once on a 10^7 objects() list). – gozzilli Mar ...

Is bool a native C type?

... in the current C - C99, but not in C89/90. In C99 the native type is actually called _Bool, while bool is a standard library macro defined in stdbool.h (which expectedly resolves to _Bool). Objects of type _Bool hold either 0 or 1, while true and false are also macros from stdbool.h. Note, BTW, t...

Finding quaternion representing the rotation from one vector to another

... Be aware that this does not handle the case of parallel vectors (both in the same direction or pointing in opposite directions). crossproduct will not be valid in these cases, so you first need to check dot(v1, v2) > 0.999999 and dot(v1, v2) < -0.999999, respectively, ...

Flex-box: Align last row to grid

...d:after and it works the same. Now if you tried something like this it totally breaks. Notice the widths for each set of 4 dont add up to 100%. In the OP's fiddle the widths are set in px so your solution doesn't work this situation. – Jacob Jan 26 '16 at 15...

How to print a dictionary line by line in Python?

... Hmm. I think my problem is even worse than that. Basically I've parsed out some data from an HTML table, and I happened to store it in a dictionary, and now I'm trying to take that dictionary data and put it into a DataFrame before I export it all to an Oracle table....it's pret...

Wrap a delegate in an IEqualityComparer

...fying. But I still don't understand your hashing policy of t => 0. If all objects always hash to the same thing (zero), then isn't that even more broken than using obj.GetHashCode, per @Dan Tao's point? Why not always force the caller to provide a good hash function? – Jo...

Locking a file in Python

...terminate in such a way that the lock is left in place and you have to manually delete the lock before the file becomes accessible again. However, that aside, this is still a good solution. – leetNightshade Nov 8 '12 at 21:27 ...