大约有 40,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0452秒) [XML]


Returning JSON from PHP to JavaScript?

I have a PHP script that's being called through jQuery AJAX. I want the PHP script to return the data in JSON format to the javascript. Here's the pseudo code in the PHP script: ...

MySQL Insert into multiple tables? (Database normalization?)

... at LAST_INSERT_ID() to reuse autoincrement values. Edit: you said "After all this time trying to figure it out, it still doesn't work. Can't I simply put the just generated ID in a $var and put that $var in all the MySQL commands?" Let me elaborate: there are 3 possible ways here: In the code y...

How to set the authorization header using curl

... @Vixed This question is explicitly not about PHP. [What's wrong with Google's results](s)? – Oli Apr 8 '16 at 14:16 1 ...

Replace input type=file by an image

... This works really well for me: .image-upload>input { display: none; } <div class="image-upload"> <label for="file-input"> <img src="https://icon-library.net/images/upload-photo-icon/upload-photo-icon-21...

`static` keyword inside function?

...e value of the given variable ($has_run in your example) between multiple calls. You could use this for different purposes, for example: function doStuff() { static $cache = null; if ($cache === null) { $cache = '%heavy database stuff or something%'; } // code using $cache } In th...

Fastest way to convert string to integer in PHP

... 0.42208 intval("hello"): 0.93678 (222%) On average, calling intval() is two and a half times slower, and the difference is the greatest if your input already is an integer. I'd be interested to know why though. Update: I've run the tests again, this time with coercion (0 + ...

“[notice] child pid XXXX exit signal Segmentation fault (11)” in apache error.log [closed]

... Hmm thats weird. Can you make sure that the process that segfaults actually is the on you are attached gdb to? check dmesg for the pid of the segfaulted process. – Mattias Wadman Aug 19 '12 at 19:54 ...

PHP append one array to another (not array_push or +)

...equals array('a','b') Will not work, because the + operator does not actually merge them. If they $a has the same keys as $b, it won't do anything. share | improve this answer | ...

In PHP with PDO, how to check the final SQL parametrized query? [duplicate]

...rametrized query, how can you check the final query (after having replaced all tokens)? 9 Answers ...

How can I match multiple occurrences with a regex in JavaScript similar to PHP's preg_match_all()?

... comment: rather than using regex, we now have URLSearchParams, which does all of this for us, so no custom code, let alone regex, are necessary anymore. – Mike 'Pomax' Kamermans Browser support is listed here https://caniuse.com/#feat=urlsearchparams I would suggest an alternative reg...