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Format a Go string without printing?

...te: you may also display the result of a template execution if you provide os.Stdout as the target (which also implements io.Writer): t := template.Must(template.New("email").Parse(emailTmpl)) if err := t.Execute(os.Stdout, data); err != nil { panic(err) } This will write the result directly ...

What is bootstrapping?

...elopment. It seems both widespread and important, but I've yet to come across even a poor explanation of what bootstrapping actually is; rather, it seems as though everyone is just supposed to know what it means. I don't, though. Near as I can figure, it has something to do with initialization ta...

How to load external webpage inside WebView

... Thanks to this post, I finally found the solution. Here is the code: import android.app.Activity; import android.os.Bundle; import android.webkit.WebResourceError; import android.webkit.WebResourceRequest; import android.webkit.WebView; imp...

File.separator vs FileSystem.getSeparator() vs System.getProperty(“file.separator”)?

... Bringer128Bringer128 6,33922 gold badges2727 silver badges5555 bronze badges 2 ...

Difference between HTML “overflow : auto” and “overflow : scroll”

... KiraKira 1,2751212 silver badges4040 bronze badges add a comment ...

What is the correct file extension for GLSL shaders? [closed]

I'm learning glsl shading and I've come across different file formats. I've seen people giving their vertex and fragment shaders .vert and .frag extensions. But I've also seen .vsh and .fsh extensions, and even both shaders together in a single .glsl file. So I'm wondering if there is a st...

How can I find out if I have Xcode commandline tools installed?

...2 Danh 5,27977 gold badges2525 silver badges4040 bronze badges answered Nov 4 '16 at 5:45 crujzocrujzo ...

How to see full symlink path

... 27 realpath <path to the symlink file> should do the trick. ...

Where is my .vimrc file?

...functional state. – user3728501 Jun 27 at 13:06 Hey!. I am using VIM extension in VSCode . Is there any way to change ...

How to list the size of each file and directory and sort by descending size in Bash?

... DeveloperDeveloper 20.6k1919 gold badges7272 silver badges114114 bronze badges 23 ...