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How can I get the current page's full URL on a Windows/IIS server?
...dited Mar 11 '14 at 0:20
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answered Oct 9 '08 at 20:42
Leading zeros for Int in Swift
return padding + self
let s = String(123)
s.leftPadding(toLength: 8, withPad: "0") // "00000123"
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Java - How to create new Entry (key, value)
...y<String, Object> entry = new MyEntry<String, Object>("Hello", 123);
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Javascript Thousand Separator / string format [duplicate]
...ch is exactly what kaiser suggests below: toLocaleString
So you can do:
(1234567.89).toLocaleString('en') // for numeric input
parseFloat("1234567.89").toLocaleString('en') // for string input
The function implemented below works, too, but simply isn't necessary.
(I thought perhap...
How do I return multiple values from a function in C?
I don't know what your string is, but I'm going to assume that it manages its own memory.
Python os.path.join on Windows
To be even more pedantic, the most python doc consistent answer would be:
mypath = os.path.jo...
Convert array of strings to List
// ...
public void My()
var myArray = new[] { "abc", "123", "zyx" };
List<string> myList = myArray.ToList();
PS. There's also ToArray() method that works in other way.
Dynamically select data frame columns using $ and a character value
...is a reproducible example below:
# set seed for reproducibility
df <- data.frame( col1 = sample(5,10,repl=T) , col2 = sample(5,10,repl=T) , col3 = sample(5,10,repl=T) )
# We want to sort by 'col3' then by 'col1'
sort_list <- c("col3","col1")
# Use 'do.call' to call order. S...
Converting String to Int with Swift
swift 4.0
let stringNumber = "123"
let number = Int(stringNumber) //here number is of type "Int?"
//using Forced Unwrapping
if number != nil {
//string is converted to Int
you could also use Optional Binding other than forced binding.
How to compare two floating point numbers in Bash?
...result back to the shell in a proper, machine-readable way. if awk -v n1="123.456" -v n2="3.14159e17" 'BEGIN { exit (n1 <= n2) }' /dev/null; then echo bigger; else echo not; fi ... though note how the condition is inverted (the exit status 0 means success to the shell).
– t...