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What is the purpose of the implicit grant authorization type in OAuth 2?

...ou do not need any server side code to use this flow. Then, if everything happens in resource owner's browser it makes no sense to issue auth code & client secret anymore, because token & client secret will still be shared with resource owner. Including auth code & client secret just mak...

External resource not being loaded by AngularJs

... This is the only solution that worked for me: var app = angular.module('plunker', ['ngSanitize']); app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope, $sce) { $scope.trustSrc = function(src) { return $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(src); } $scope.movie = {src:"http://www.youtube...

Rails: FATAL - Peer authentication failed for user (PG::Error)

...here it says pool: 5. Otherwise if it's not localhost definitely tell that app where to find its database. development: adapter: postgresql encoding: unicode database: kickrstack_development host: localhost pool: 5 username: kickrstack password: secret Make sure your user credentia...

How do I programmatically “restart” an Android app?

Firstly, I know that one should not really kill/restart an application on Android. In my use case I want to factory-reset my application in a specific case where a server sends a specific information to the client. ...

How can I develop for iPhone using a Windows development machine?

...It's certainly possible to develop on a Windows machine, in fact, my first application was exclusively developed on the old Dell Precision I had at the time :) There are three routes; Install OSx86 (aka iATKOS / Kalyway) on a second partition/disk and dual boot. Run Mac OS X Server under VMWare (...

Open-Source Examples of well-designed Android Applications? [closed]

Can you recommend open source android applications that can be valuable to analyze, and to learn android programming from? ...

Logging raw HTTP request/response in ASP.NET MVC & IIS7

...m(). Then implement OutputFilterStream using the Decorator pattern as a wrapper around a stream: /// <summary> /// A stream which keeps an in-memory copy as it passes the bytes through /// </summary> public class OutputFilterStream : Stream { private readonly Stream InnerStream; ...

Easy way to see saved NSUserDefaults?

... You can find the pList file for your app in the simulator if you go to: /users/your user name/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/<Sim Version>/Applications This directory has a bunch of GUID named directories. If you are working on a few apps ...

What is the difference between min SDK version/target SDK version vs. compile SDK version?

... The min sdk version is the earliest release of the Android SDK that your application can run on. Usually this is because of a problem with the earlier APIs, lacking functionality, or some other behavioural issue. The target sdk version is the version your application was targeted to run on. Ideal...

What is “git remote add …” and “git push origin master”?

...ers changes). The command git remote add origin git@github.com:peter/first_app.gitcreates a new remote called origin located at git@github.com:peter/first_app.git. Once you do this, in your push commands, you can push to origin instead of typing out the whole URL. What is git push origin master Thi...