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Convert HTML + CSS to PDF [closed]

...tten in C++ and therefore much faster and much less of a resource hog than PHP based implementation. – Koobz Feb 15 '10 at 12:36 ...

download file using an ajax request

...ownload. Instead, you could use a success function to navigate to download.php. This will open the download prompt but won't change the current page. $.ajax({ url: 'download.php', type: 'POST', success: function() { window.location = 'download.php'; } }); Even though this ...

Difference between \w and \b regular expression meta characters

...javascriptkit.com/javatutors/redev2.shtml http://www.virtuosimedia.com/dev/php/37-tested-php-perl-and-javascript-regular-expressions http://www.i-programmer.info/programming/javascript/4862-master-javascript-regular-expressions.html I found this to be a very useful book: Mastering Regular Expres...

How Drupal works? [closed]

... because it has a relatively deep function stack. Although it's procedural PHP it's purely event/listener driven in its architecture, and there's no simple "flow" in the main PHP script for you to look though. I recently did a presentation on this very subject, and the slides are posted on slideshar...

为何谷歌不可复制? - 资讯 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...可使用并从中受益,那么糟糕的广告(即信息)就自然是个问题了。因此,即使牺牲周末时间,他们也决定解决这个问题。” 谷歌之所以成为后德鲁克时代最具代表性的公司,除了两位创始人的学院派的作风外,谷歌公司也延续...

Symfony 2 EntityManager injection in service

... tuning would look like this: 1. Use in your services or Controller <?php namespace Test\CommonBundle\Services; use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface; class UserService { private $userRepository; // use custom repository over direct use of EntityManager // see step 2 publi...

Chrome, Javascript, window.open in new tab

...o open in a new browser instance, instead of a new tab: window.open('page.php', '', 'width=1000'); The following would qualify as a user-initiated event, even though it calls another function: function o(){ window.open('page.php'); } $('button').addEvent('click', o); The following would not ...

How to output in CLI during execution of PHP Unit tests?

When running a PHPUnit test, I would like to be able to dump output so I can debug one or two things. 17 Answers ...

使用TokuMX配置Replica Set集群 - 大数据 & AI - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

... use admin db.shutdownServer() 有任何关于MongoDB/TokuMX方面的问题,欢迎回复评论。集群 TokuMX MongoDB

社会化海量数据采集爬虫框架搭建 - 大数据 & AI - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术
