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扩展App Inventor:具有多点触控和手势检测功能 · App Inventor 2 中文网

...ially novices, to start programming and building fully functional apps for Android devices. Compared to traditional text programming with Android Studio, it has limited features. We enabled App Inventor with multi-touch gestures detection, such as two-finger rotation, and user-defined custom gesture...

Custom attributes in styles.xml

... style. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <resources xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"> <style name="CustomStyle"> <item name="android:layout_width">wrap_content</item> <item name="android:layout_height">wrap_con...

How to change current Theme at runtime in Android [duplicate]

... // Call setTheme before creation of any(!) View. setTheme(android.R.style.Theme_Dark); // ... setContentView(R.layout.main); } Edit If you call setTheme after super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); your activity recreated but if you call setTheme before super.o...

扩展App Inventor:具有多点触控和手势检测功能 · App Inventor 2 中文网

...ially novices, to start programming and building fully functional apps for Android devices. Compared to traditional text programming with Android Studio, it has limited features. We enabled App Inventor with multi-touch gestures detection, such as two-finger rotation, and user-defined custom gesture...

Fragments within Fragments

I'm wondering if this is actually a bug in the Android API: 6 Answers 6 ...

How to Resize a Bitmap in Android?

... import android.graphics.Matrix public Bitmap getResizedBitmap(Bitmap bm, int newWidth, int newHeight) { int width = bm.getWidth(); int height = bm.getHeight(); float scaleWidth = ((float) newWidth) / width; float sca...

Android equivalent to NSNotificationCenter

In the process of porting an iPhone application over to android, I am looking for the best way to communicate within the app. Intents seem to be the way to go, is this the best (only) option? NSUserDefaults seems much lighter weight than Intents do in both performance and coding. ...

Android: How to enable/disable option menu item on button click?

...Item(R.id.example_foobar).setEnabled(false); } return true; } On Android 3.0 and higher, the options menu is considered to always be open when menu items are presented in the action bar. When an event occurs and you want to perform a menu update, you must call invalidateOptionsMenu() to re...

Fit image into ImageView, keep aspect ratio and then resize ImageView to image dimensions?

... didn't realize you could replace android: with a: – StackOverflowed Aug 12 '12 at 15:29 2 ...

Android - Set max length of logcat messages

..._MAX_PAYLOAD has been reduced from 4076 to 4068 in more recent versions of Android (see here). – mhsmith Feb 14 '18 at 16:10 add a comment  |  ...