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AngularJS : The correct way of binding to a service properties

...or yourself) +1 It may be convenient that the controller acts as a sort of API for the markup such that if somehow the structure of the data model changes you can (in theory) update the controller's API mappings without touching the html partial. -1 However, theory isn't always practice and I usual...


...'s simply the URL you need to make requests to. It could be something like api.someurl.com and $path is what goes after that url (/something/) . You can simply change that value to your URL or remove it and include the full URL in the $path variable. Does that make sense? – Bol...

How can I autoplay a video using the new embed code style for Youtube?

...e only way I was able to get autoplay to work was to use the iframe player api. <div id="ytplayer"></div> <script> // Load the IFrame Player API code asynchronously. var tag = document.createElement('script'); tag.src = "https://www.youtube.com/player_api"; var firstScriptTag = do...

Finish all previous activities

... The proper solution, but only API 11+ – riwnodennyk Jan 13 '14 at 17:16 I...

Creating java date object from year,month,day

... IBM API designers, JavaScript API designers. Other than that, probably nobody. Note that Calendar is now obsoleted by th the Java 8 java.time API, which does the right thing. – JB Nizet Sep ...

How to completely remove an issue from GitHub?

... No, the github API only allows you to open/close/reopen issues. Here's the Issues API docs. share | improve this answer | ...

What does OSGi solve?

...mponents. It also specifies how components are installed and managed. This API has been used by many bundles to provide a management agent. This management agent can be as simple as a command shell, a TR-69 management protocol driver, OMA DM protocol driver, a cloud computing interface for Amazon's ...

Laravel Redirect Back with() Message

... the answer is an array with two elements: ['msg', 'The Message']. See the api for acceptable parameters: laravel.com/api/4.2/Illuminate/Http/… – haakym May 8 '17 at 17:04 ...

How to get access to HTTP header information in Spring MVC REST controller?

... Prefer abstractions to the low-level details of an API. I would much rather have Spring MVC abstract away the details of the Servlet API. I can use the annotations to pull what I need out of the request. – Vidya Oct 24 '13 at 14:50 ...

How to check Google Play services version?

...I found simple solution: int v = getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(GoogleApiAvailability.GOOGLE_PLAY_SERVICES_PACKAGE, 0 ).versionCode; But versionCode is deprecated in API 28, so you can use PackageInfoCompat: long v = PackageInfoCompat.getLongVersionCode(getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(Goo...