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How to set environment variable for everyone under my linux system?

... As well as /etc/profile which others have mentioned, some Linux systems now use a directory /etc/profile.d/; any .sh files in there will be sourced by /etc/profile. It's slightly neater to keep your custom environment stuff in these files than ...

Mac OSX Lion DNS lookup order [closed]

... With regards to overriding domains in the hosts file, I have found that in some circumstances, Lion queries the IPv6 address for a domain if it senses that a domain is unreachable over the IPv4 network. I discovered this when I noticed some ads that I had never seen befor...

Where is PHP.ini in Mac OS X Lion? Thought it was in /usr/local/php5/lib

...f, activated web sharing, installed MySQL etc. I can't seem to find my PHP files, most importantly, PHP.ini. 12 Answers ...

Is it possible to run one logrotate check manually?

... Yes: logrotate --force $CONFIG_FILE share | improve this answer | follow | ...

Where can I find php.ini?

... Best way to find this is: create a php file and add the following code: <?php phpinfo(); ?> and open it in browser, it will show the file which is actually being read! Updates by OP: The previously accepted answer is likely to be faster and more conven...

How to enable PHP short tags?

... If PHP runs as Apache module, you can also set it in a .htaccess file: php_flag short_open_tag on – Álvaro González Feb 2 '10 at 17:45 12 ...

Supervisor socket error issue [closed]

...sor on my production system, but am hitting this error. The supervisor log file is empty. 7 Answers ...

How do I create a crontab through a script

... Cron jobs usually are stored in a per-user file under /var/spool/cron The simplest thing for you to do is probably just create a text file with the job configured, then copy it to the cron spool folder and make sure it has the right permissions (600). ...

Location of my.cnf file on macOS

...l to enable remote access to MySQL. The problem is, where should my.cnf file be located? I'm using Mac OS X Lion. 30 Ans...

.htaccess not working apache

... First, note that restarting httpd is not necessary for .htaccess files. .htaccess files are specifically for people who don't have root - ie, don't have access to the httpd server config file, and can't restart the server. As you're able to restart the server, you don't need .htaccess file...