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Read properties file outside JAR file

...st a text-based file. For example, your main.properties file may contain: app.version= app.name=Hello So, when you run your main program from its root/base folder, normally you will run it like this: java -jar ./main.jar or, straight away: java -jar main.jar In your main.jar, you ne...

'App not Installed' Error on Android

... Primarily for older phones I only encountered the App not installed error when trying to install an apk on my phone which runs on 4.4.2 aka KitKat, but my friend did not encounter this error on his phone which runs on 6+. I tried the other solutions such as removing the old/...

Comparison between Corona, Phonegap, Titanium

...th expose mobile phone functions through a set of javascript APIs, and the application's logic (html, css, javascript) runs inside a native WebView control. PhoneGap is not just a native wrapper of a web app. Through the PhoneGap javascript APIs, the "web app" has access to the mobile phone functi...

App.Config Transformation for projects which are not Web Projects in Visual Studio?

For Visual Studio 2010 Web based application we have Config Transformation features by which we can maintain multiple configuration files for different environments. But the same feature is not available for App.Config files for Windows Services/WinForms or Console Application. ...

How do you add an in-app purchase to an iOS application?

How do you add an in-app purchase to an iOS app? What are all the details and is there any sample code? 5 Answers ...

Error :: duplicate files during packaging of APK

Android Studio. I'm getting this kind of error during application run. 8 Answers 8 ...

ios simulator: how to close an app

When you "run" the simulator from xCode, the app automatically launches, and then you can click the home button to suspend the app. What I want to do is close the app from within the simulator. So, how can this be done? ...

Reset push notification settings for app

I am developing an app with push notifications. To check all possible ways of user interaction, I'd like to test my app when a user declines to have push notifications enabled for my app during the first start. ...

Include CSS,javascript file in Yii Framework

... Something like this: <?php $baseUrl = Yii::app()->baseUrl; $cs = Yii::app()->getClientScript(); $cs->registerScriptFile($baseUrl.'/js/yourscript.js'); $cs->registerCssFile($baseUrl.'/css/yourcss.css'); ?> ...

Is quitting an application frowned upon?

...future. The point is that I cannot allow for Android to determine when my app is going to be terminated. that must be the choice of the user. Millions of people are perfectly happy with the model where the environment closes up the application as needed. Those users simply don't think about "termi...