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Keep file in a Git repo, but don't track changes

...t partially, but introducing even more problems. I needed to preserve the"Web.Local.config" file. The only solution that worked for me was to: 1. Exclude the file from the project 2. Create a separate copy of the file as Web.LocalTemplate.config Now that "Web.LocalTemplate.config" is tracked by ...

Disable hover effects on mobile browsers

I'm writing a Web site that's meant to be used from both desktops and tablets. When it's being visited from a desktop, I want the clickable areas of the screen to light up with :hover effects (different background color, etc.) With a tablet, there's no mouse, so I don't want any hover effects. ...

TypeLoadException says 'no implementation', but it is implemented

...or in the following scenario. Both Assemblies A and B referenced System.Web.Mvc Version Assembly A referenced Assembly B and had classes which implemented interfaces from Assembly B with methods which returned classes from System.Web.Mvc. Assembly A upgraded to System.Web.Mvc Version 4.0....

This IP, site or mobile application is not authorized to use this API key

...d just remember to use the server key for Places API. EDIT I believe the web URL has changed in the past years. You can access developers console from here now - https://console.developers.google.com/apis/dashboard Navigate to developers console - https://console.developers.google.com/ or use t...

How to launch html using Chrome at “--allow-file-access-from-files” mode?

...file system open for access. Documents originating from anywhere, local or web, should not, by default, have any access to local file:/// resources. Much better solution is to run a little http server locally. --- For Windows --- The easiest is to install http-server globally using node's package...

Error during SSL Handshake with remote server

I have Apache2 (listening on 443) and a web app running on Tomcat7 (listening on 8443) on Ubuntu . 3 Answers ...

Disable cache for some images

...<img src="image.png?dummy=371662" /> From the point of view of the web-server the same file is accessed, but from the point of view of the browser no caching can be performed. The random number generation can happen either on the server when serving the page (just make sure the page itself ...

What is CDATA in HTML? [duplicate]

... CDATA sections in XHTML documents are liable to be parsed differently by web browsers if they render the document as HTML, since HTML parsers do not recognise the CDATA start and end markers, nor do they recognise HTML entity references such as < within <script> tags. This can cause r...

JavaScript frameworks to build single page applications [closed]

My goal is to migrate an existing web application to a RESTful single page application (SPA). Currently, I'm evaluating several Javascript web application frameworks. ...

What is the best way to profile javascript execution? [closed]

... Same thing works in the Safari Web Inspector – olliej May 14 '09 at 20:13 9 ...