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Unable to find a locale path to store translations for file __init__.py

I'm trying to translate a Django app. I created some strings with {% trans %} in my templates. However, when I execute the following command in my app folder, I receive an error message: ...

How to create a release signed apk file using Gradle?

...ORD=***** RELEASE_KEY_ALIAS=***** RELEASE_KEY_PASSWORD=***** Modify your app/build.gradle, and add this inside the android { code block: ... signingConfigs { release { storeFile file(RELEASE_STORE_FILE) storePassword RELEASE_STORE_PASSWORD keyAlias RELEASE_KEY_ALIAS ...

How do I start my app on startup?

...d not work. So what changes do I have to make and to what files to have my app start automatically when Android finishes booting up? ...

Listen for key press in .NET console app

How can I continue to run my console application until a key press (like Esc is pressed?) 9 Answers ...

Xcode 4 hangs at “Attaching to (app name)”

I just upgraded to Xcode 4 and for some reason my app won't run in the simulator or iOS device. It was working perfectly in Xcode 3, but all of a sudden now when I press run the program stops at "Attaching to...". There doesn't seem to be any other info to help with this problem either. ...

How to manually include external aar package using new Gradle Android Build System

...ve kept aar file in libs folder. ( assume file name is cards.aar ) then in app build.gradle specify following and click sync project with Gradle files. Open Project level build.gradle and add flatDir{dirs 'libs'} like did below allprojects { repositories { jcenter() flatDir { ...

Pass ruby script file to rails console

...pt itself. Consider doit.rb: #!/usr/bin/env ruby require "/path/to/rails_app/config/environment" # ... do your stuff This also works if the script or the current working directory are not within the rails app's directory. ...

Origin is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin

...e, it does not need to be part of the client's request. Specifically what happens is before the client makes the actual request you want, the browser sends an OPTIONS request before it, and if the server's response to that OPTIONS request does not contain the header, the browser will not send your d...

How should one go about choosing a default TCP/IP port for a new service?

When developing an app that will listen on a TCP/IP port, how should one go about selecting a default port? Assume that this app will be installed on many computers, and that avoiding port conflicts is desired. ...

How to “pretty” format JSON output in Ruby on Rails

... The original poster said nothing about where in a Rails app he wants to use this, so I answered with a line of Ruby that will work anywhere. To use it to generate the JSON response in a Rails controller, you already answered your own question: format.json { render :json => JSO...