大约有 7,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0316秒) [XML]


PDO MySQL扩展模块 检测通不过? - PHP - 清泛IT论坛,有思想、有深度

...hp.in中下面两行已经放开注释: extension=pdo.so extension=pdo_mysql.so PDO检测仍然通不过。 终极解决方案: php编译时加上如下参数,重新编译安装php: --with-pdo-mysql php编译安装完整参数请参见:http://www.tsingfun.com/html/2015/env_0826/...

Mysql: Select rows from a table that are not in another

... this only works as expected when none of the columns have NULL values. In MySQL NULL != NULL so every row that has a NULL value will be returned even if there is a duplicate row in the second table. – Kyle Kochis Apr 7 '15 at 2:49 ...

Rails 3: Get Random Record

... Thing.first(:order => "RANDOM()") # For MySQL :order => "RAND()", - thanx, @DanSingerman # Rails 3 Thing.order("RANDOM()").first or Thing.first(:offset => rand(Thing.count)) # Rails 3 Thing.offset(rand(Thing.count)).first Actually, in Rails 3 all example...

Remove Primary Key in MySQL

... following table schema which maps user_customers to permissions on a live MySQL database: 12 Answers ...

Generate GUID in MySQL for existing Data?

I've just imported a bunch of data to a MySQL table and I have a column "GUID" that I want to basically fill down all existing rows with new and unique random GUID's. ...

how to convert a string to date in mysql?

... As was told at MySQL Using a string column with date text as a date field, you can do SELECT STR_TO_DATE(yourdatefield, '%m/%d/%Y') FROM yourtable You can also handle these date strings in WHERE clauses. For example SELECT whatever...

将Linux代码移植到Windows的简单方法 - 操作系统(内核) - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...一项困难的工作。本文将以一个实际的例子(Tar)来说明如何把Linux代码移植到Windows平台上。移植过程将尽量少修改代码,以便代码的运行逻辑不会发生任何变动。保留绝大部分软件主要功能。 二.准备工作 Tar是Linux平台下面...

How to delete duplicates on a MySQL table?

I need to DELETE duplicated rows for specified sid on a MySQL table. 25 Answers 25...

MySQL Cannot Add Foreign Key Constraint

... lol same. MySQL could use more precise error handling on this kind of stuff. – dave Apr 17 at 23:38 add a comm...

What scalability problems have you encountered using a NoSQL data store? [closed]

... I've switched a small subproject from MySQL to CouchDB, to be able to handle the load. The result was amazing. About 2 years ago, we've released a self written software on http://www.ubuntuusers.de/ (which is probably the biggest German Linux community website)....