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How to use SCNetworkReachability in Swift

... imported C structs have a default initializer in Swift, which initializes all of the struct's fields to zero, so the socket address structure can be initialized with var zeroAddress = sockaddr_in() sizeofValue() gives the size of this structure, this has to be converted to UInt8 for sin_len: zer...

How to build & install GLFW 3 and use it in a Linux project

... Step 1: Installing GLFW 3 on your system with CMAKE For this install, I was using KUbuntu 13.04, 64bit. The first step is to download the latest version (assuming versions in the future work in a similar way) from www.glfw.org, probably ...

What's the difference between REST & RESTful

...a dissertation by Roy Fielding, REST is an "architectural style" that basically exploits the existing technology and protocols of the Web. RESTful is typically used to refer to web services implementing such an architecture. ...

android asynctask sending callbacks to ui [duplicate]

...tivity I'm initializing the asynctask, and I want the asynctask to report callbacks back to my activity. Is it possible? Or does the asynctask must be in the same class file as the activity? ...

How do I remove an item from a stl vector with a certain value?

...n for stl vector, and noticed there was no method on the vector class that allowed the removal of an element with a certain value. This seems like a common operation, and it seems odd that there's no built in way to do this. ...

Python, Unicode, and the Windows console

...at's the best way around this? Is there any way I can make Python automatically print a ? instead of failing in this situation? ...

method of iterating over sqlalchemy model's defined columns?

...l exclude SA magic attributes, but will not exclude the relations. So basically it might load the dependencies, parents, children etc, which is definitely not desirable. But it is actually much easier because if you inherit from Base, you have a __table__ attribute, so that you can do: for c in Jo...

Input and output numpy arrays to h5py

I have a Python code whose output is a sized matrix, whose entries are all of the type float . If I save it with the extension .dat the file size is of the order of 500 MB. I read that using h5py reduces the file size considerably. So, let's say I have the 2D numpy array named A . How do I ...

Is there an equivalent to CTRL+C in IPython Notebook in Firefox to break cells that are running?

...errupt the entire iPython Notebook server. This will stop iPython Notebook alltogether, which means it won't be possible to restart or save your work, so this is obviously not a great solution (you need to hit CTRL+C twice because it's a safety feature so that people don't do it by accident). In cas...

A python class that acts like dict

...er) instead of simply delegating to the instance's __dict__ - which essentially means you're creating two dicts for every instance. – Aaron Hall♦ Jan 8 '17 at 0:39 8 ...